sample business letters(3)




Thank you for your request for our bid on (project)

This letter is to acknowledge our receipt of said request and to advise you that we will be submitting our proposal on or before (confirmation of deadline)

Advance Notice of Out of Business Sale


It is true, we are going out of business!

My wife and I have decided that now that the children

are grown, we are going to do some of things we could only dream about for so many years.

So, starting on (date) , everything in our store

which includes our merchandise, our racks, our fixtures, our showcases and even our delivery truck will be up for sale and prices that are too good to be true.

As a good and valuable customer of ours, we thought you would be interested in this advance notice of sale that we are sending out today.

We will look forward to seeing you on the (date) Announcement of Price Increase


Due to the increase in raw material costs, we must unfortunately raise the cost of our merchandise to you.

We have avoided raising our prices for as long as possible, but we can no longer prolong the inevitable. We have enclosed our new price list for your review which

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