Fitting and prediction of the changes in tide and
groundwater levels in coastal aquifers
Zhou Xun1, Ruan Chuanxia1,2, Fang Bin1, Ou Yecheng3,
(1. School of Water Resources and Environment, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China;
2. Institute of Tianjin Geothermal Investigation Development and Design, Tianjin 300250, China; 3. Beihai Institute of Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology and Mineral Resources in Guangxi, Beihai,
Guangxi 536000, China) Abstract
Complex periodic changes and trending changes can be observed in tide and groundwater levels affected by the tide in coastal aquifers. In this paper, mathematic models including a trending term and a periodic term are developed to describe the changes in the water levels. The trending term can be described by using a linear function, and the periodic term, by a Fourier series. The spectrum analysis method and the minimum square method are used to construct the Fourier series. Fitting is verified with the sum of the square of the abstraction of the observed and computed water levels until satisfactory fitting is obtained. The developed mathematical models can be employed to predict the changes in the tide and groundwater levels in coastal aquifers. The predictive water levels are thought to reflect the characteristics of the observed time series of the tide and groundwater levels near the coastal. The models are suitable in short-time prediction of water levels in the coastal aquifer.
Keywords: Coastal aquifer; spectrum analysis; fitting; prediction