


can't find my ticket. I really bought a ticket before I got on the train,”said the old man.

“I think you are right. I believe you bought a ticket. All right,you don't have to buy another ticket,”said the conductor kindly. But the old man still(仍然) looked worried and said sadly,“You don't know why I'm worried. If I don't find my ticket,I can't remember my station. Where am I going? ”

1. The old man bought a ticket _______.

A. after he got on the train B. before he got on the train C. when the conductor told him to buy one D. when he found he had no ticket with him

2. About an hour later,the conductor began _______.

A. to buy the tickets B. to look for the tickets C. to check(检查) the tickets D. to show the tickets

3. The conductor told the old man that he didn't need to buy another ticket because _________.

A. the man was very old B. he thought the old man had no money with him C. the old man showed him the ticket D. he believed the old man

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