


meteorites may fall on earth every year, but only very few are found. Mr. Pettifer's meteorite is the fifth to fall in Britain since the Second World War.

Mr. Pettifer is glad. “When you think about it coming from so far away, it really is something strange.”

1. The meteorite was ______ Mr Pettifer when it fell down.

A. close to

B. far from

C. hitting

D. coming to

2. The meteorite was already ______ years old.

A. 40,000,000,000

C. 400,000,000

B. 40,000,000 D. 4,000,000,000

3. Mr. Pettifer found the tops of the trees coming and going because ______.

A. the trees were afraid B. the fast falling meteorite kept the tree tops moving C. it was going to rain D. the moving was made by wind

4. ______ people see a meteorite fall although they visit the earth often each year.

A. Quite a few

B. some C. Few

D. Many

5. Mr. Pettifer was ______ to see the falling of the meteorite.

A. happy

B. afraid C. sorry

D. angry 参考答案

1. 从短文第1句看出陨石落下时几乎砸着Mr Pettifer,故答案应选A。

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