

新视野大学英语读写Book1 Unit1

She has a faculty for inspiring confidence in people.

(AmE) all the teachers of a particular university or college 大学的全体教员.

faculty members

6. facility n

[U, sing] ability to learn or do things easily 容易学好或做好事物的能力:

have (a) great facility for (learning) languages 有(学习)语言的天才

He plays the piano with surprising facility. 他弹奏钢琴神乎其技.

facilities [pl] circumstances, equipment, etc that make it possible, or easier, to do sth; aids 能够或易於做某事的环境﹑设备等; 辅助物: `

sports facilities 运动设施

facilities for study有助学习的设施

medical facilities

7. community n. [sing] the people living in one place, district or country, considered as a whole 社区; 团体; 集体; 社会:

work for the good of the community 为集体利益服务

community service 社会服务工作

n. group of people of the same religion, race, occupation, etc, or with shared interests 宗教信仰﹑种族﹑职业等方面相同的人构成的集体:

the Chinese community in Paris 在巴黎的华侨团体

a community of monks 僧侣团体.

8. get by (on sth) manage to live, survive, etc (using the specified resources); manage; cope (靠某物)勉强维生; 设法维持; 对付:

How does she get by on such a small salary?

He gets by on very little money.

9. on: prep.

1) eating or drinking a particular type of food or drink in order to stay alive 靠…生存Using a cave as shelter, the man survived on wild berries and raw fish. 这个人以山洞为住所,靠吃野果和生鱼活了下来。

2) using a particular type of fuel or electrical power in order to operate 靠…运行

Why can’t we make a car that runs on water? 我们为什么不能制造出靠水力行驶的汽车呢?

10. fascinating adj extremely interesting:

The book offers a fascinating glimpse of the lives of the rich and famous.

11. pursue v [Tn] (fml ) follow (sb/sth), esp in order to catch or kill; chase

pursue a wild animal, a thief

(continue to) be occupied or busy with (sth); go on with 进行

She decided to pursue her studies after obtaining her first degree.

I have decided not to pursue (ie investigate) the matter any further.

12 reap v to cut and collect a crop, especially corn, from a field

Sow the wind and, reap the whirlwind (saying ) 播种的是风, 收割的是暴风

start sth that seems fairly harmless and have to suffer unforeseen consequences that are serious or disastrous 原无大害的事,後果却不堪设想.

(fig ) receive (sth) as a result of one's own or others' actions 获得

reap the reward of years of study 从多年研究中获得报偿


1. For you, these next four years will be a time unlike any other. (Para. 4)

Meaning: For you, the next four years in university will be different from any other 6


