

新视野大学英语读写Book1 Unit1

1. -ing加在某些transitive verb后,构成adj,主要用于表示事物的性质或特征,或某物或某事给人的感觉、情感、印象等。这类词包括welcoming, charming, discouraging, disgusting, frightening, alarming, surprising等。例如:

a welcoming smile 热情的微笑

a charming house on the outskirts of the town 在城镇郊外的一栋漂亮的房子

an alarming increase in housing price 房价的惊人增长

A surprising number of men stay bachelors. 有相当多的男子仍然是单身。

2. -ing加在intransitive verb之后,构成adj,表示某事或某人仍然处于某种状态。例如:

a recurring problem 反复出现的问题

his aging mother 他那日渐苍老的母亲

He wore his hair in the prevailing fashion. 他的头发理的是当时盛行的发型。Paraphrase

1 Your achievement is the triumph of years of hard work, both of your own and of your parents and teachers.

Meaning: Your entering this university is an important success. This success is due to many y ears of your hard work, and many years of your parents’ and teachers’ hard work.

2 Here at the university, we pledge to make your educational experience as rewarding as possible.

Meaning: Here at the university, we promise to make your educational experience as worthwhile as possible.

2. In welcoming you to the university, I am reminded of my own high school graduation and the photograph my mom took of my dad and me. "Pose naturally," Mom instructed us. "Wait!" said Dad, "Let's take a picture of me handing him an alarm clock." The clock woke me up every morning in college. It is still on my office desk.


Words and phrase

1. remind v inform (sb) of a fact or tell (sb) to do sth he may have forgotten 提醒: Do I have to remind you yet again?

Remind me to answer that letter.

~ sb of sb/sth cause sb to remember or be newly aware of sb/sth 使某人回想起或意识到某人[某事物]:

He reminds me of his brother.

This song reminds me of France.

reminder n sth. that makes you notice, remember, or think about sth. 起提醒作用的东西

The cold served as a reminder that winter wasn’t quite finished.

The waiters were clearing the tables, which served as a reminder that it was time to leave.

2. pose v

(a) [I, Ipr] ~ (for sb) sit or stand in a particular position in order to be painted, drawn or photographed 摆好姿势(以便画像或拍照):

He had to pose wearing a laurel wreath. 他得摆好戴着月桂花冠的姿势. *



