

新视野大学英语读写Book1 Unit1

(b) [Tn] put (sb) in a particular position in order to paint, draw or photograph him 使(某人)摆好姿势(以便画像或拍照):

The artist posed his model carefully. 那位画家仔细摆好模特儿的姿势.

[I] (derog 贬) behave in an unnatural or affected way in order to impress people 装腔作势: Stop posing and tell us what you really think. 别装蒜啦, 告诉我们你的真实想法吧.

pose n

1 position in which a person poses or is posed (pose 1b) (为画像或拍照而摆的)姿势, 姿态:

She adopted an elegant pose. 她摆了一个优美的姿势.

2 (derog 贬) unnatural or affected way of behaving, intended to impress people 装腔作势的举动: His concern for the poor is only a pose. 他对穷人的关心只不过是做做样子罢了.


1 In welcoming you to the university, I am reminded of my own high school graduation and the photograph my mom took of my dad and me. (Para. 2)

Meaning: When I am welcoming you to this university, something I remember is my own high school graduation and the photo my mom took of my dad and me.

3 Let me share with you something that you may not expect. You will miss your old routines and your parents' reminders to work hard and attain your best. You may have cried tears of joy to be finally finished with high school, and your parents may have cried tears of joy to be finally finished with doing your laundry! But know this: The future is built on a strong foundation of the past.


Words and phrase

1. routine n [C, U] fixed and regular way of doing things程序; 公事; 常规: She found it difficult to establish a new routine after retirement.

do sth as a matter of routine 按常规办事

[attrib 作定语] routine tasks, chores, duties, etc 日常工作﹑日常事务﹑例行职责.

[C] set sequence of movements in a dance or some other performance 舞蹈等表演的成套动作: go through a dance routine 做一套舞蹈动作.

routine adj usual; habitual; regular 通常的; 惯例的; 例行的:

the routine procedure 例行手续*

routine maintenance 定期的保养*

routinely adv.

2. attain v [Tn] succeed in getting (sth); achieve

attain a position of power 获得权位

attain one's goal, objective, ambition, etc

attain our target of 50000 达到我们的50000英镑的目标.

attainable adj that can be attained

These objectives are certainly attainable.

attainment n [U] success in reaching 达到; 到达:



