托福阅读TPO33原文 答案解析 译文(4)


C) Farming techniques could not be easily applied to soils far from rivers.

D) The heavier weight of river soil resulted in more reliable harvests.

5. The word “enhance” in the passage is closest in meaning to

A) serve

B) improve

C) control

D) protect

6. The word “provoked” in the passage is closest in meaning to

A) secured

B) coordinated

C) modeled

D) brought about

7. According to paragraph 3, which of the following is NOT a reason why governments first arose among agricultural communities?

A) A significant increase in population

B) The desire to control water resources for irrigation

C) The need for protection from outside forces

D) The demand for organized communication with other communities

8. According to paragraph 4, what is not known about the rise of the first civilizations?

A) Where the first steps toward civilization took place

B) Who was allowed to replace “big men” after the “big men” died

C) Why some individuals became recognized as leaders

D) How governments emerged

9. What is the relationship between paragraphs 3 and 4 in the passage?

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