摘要:激光是在20世纪60年代初问世的。由于其具有方向性强、亮度高、单色性好等特点,广泛用于工农业生产、国防军事、医学卫激光传感器生、科学研究等方面,如用来测距、精密检测、定位等,还用做长度基准和光频基准。其基本方法是将光信号转化成电信号。虽然高精密激光距离传感器已上市多年,但是由于其价格太高,一直不能获得广泛应用。最近,由于其价格的大幅度下降,使其成为长距离检测场合一种最经济有效的方法。本文介绍其原理、特性及应用。 Abstract: Laser is in the early 20th century came out of 60. Because of its directive, the high brightness and good color characteristics, widely used in industrial and agricultural production, national defense, military, medical satellite laser sensor health, research in this regard, such as in distance, precision detection, location, etc. length is also used as benchmarks and optical frequency reference. The basic approach is to convert light signals into electrical signals. Although the high-precision laser distance sensor has been listed for years, but because of its price is too high, has not widely applied. Recently, because of its sharp drop in prices, making it one of the most long-distance detection of occasions, cost-effective way. This paper describes the principles, characteristics and application.
关键词:激光传感器 激光传感器技术 激光传感器应用 单频激光干涉仪 引言:激光传感器一般是由激光器,光学零件,和光电器件所构成的,它能把被测物理量(如长度,流量,速度等)转换成光信号,然后应用光电转换器把光信号变成电信号,通过相应电路的过滤,放大,整流得到输出信号,从而算出被测量。