2011 年 12 月
第 12 期 总第 461 期
Dec. 2011
(长江航道局,湖北 武汉 430010)
摘要:长江南京以下航道自然条件优越,随着水利、水运工程的不断建设,总体具备大型海轮进江的基本条件,但有部分浅区制约着航运效益的整体发挥。20世纪90年代启动南京以下深水航道系统治理研究,基于对河道演变与航道格局的长期研究认识,逐步形成了“整体规划、分步实施,自下而上、先通后畅”的建设思路和“把握有利时机、控制关键部位;因势利导、循序渐进;因地制宜、统筹兼顾”的治理原则,为尽快实现长江口12.5 m深水航道上延南京提供了技术可行方案。
中图分类号:U 617 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-4972(2011)12-0099-07
Regulation method and construction thoughts of deep-water channel
of the Yangtze River below Nanjing city
(Changjiang Waterway Bureau, Wuhan 430010, China)
CHEN Xiao-yun
condition. With lots of water conservancy and waterborne projects underway, this channel possesses essential conditions for large-sized seagoing vessels sailing into the Yangtze River, but there exist some shallow areas that restrict the navigation benefits. In the 1990s, a research program for the systematic regulation of the deep-water channel of the Yangtze River below Nanjing was initiated. Based on the long-term research on the river process and channel situation, the construction thoughts of“integrated planning, implementing in stages, regulating time and circumstances, controlling the key part, implementing progressively, planning globally adapting to local 12.5m deep-water channel in Yangtze River from the estuary to Nanjing.
Abstract: The navigation channel of the Yangtze River below the city of Nanjing has an excellent natural
from the lower to the upper, opening and then smoothing”, and the regulation principles of“taking the best
conditions”, were gradually formed, which provides a technically-feasible scheme to realize the extension of the
Key words: Yangtze River below Nanjing; deep-water channel; regulation method; construction thoughts
1 概况
随着长江口12.5 m深水航道建成并于2011年1月8日正式上延至江苏太仓后,继续将深水航道上延至南京龙潭港区,全年通行5万吨级海轮成为江苏省经济社会发展的迫切需求。
太仓港至龙潭港距离280 km,该河段为冲积平原河流,河床边界抗冲性差,加之受到不同程度的潮流影响,水动力条件与泥沙运动规律复杂,以江阴鹅鼻嘴山矶为界分为上下两类不同河型。江阴以上属近河口段,河床演变主要受径流