

托收行寄交的托收单据后,按照托收行的指示,向贵公司提示单据,要求其付款或承兑赎单的业务。进口代收按照交单方式,可分为付款交单(D/P)和承兑交单(D/A)。 The Import Collection is a service in which ABC acting as the collecting bank, upon receiving collection documents from an overseas remitting bank, presents documents to our customers for payment or acceptance as instructed by the remitting bank. By how documents are delivered, the Import Collection is divided into documents against payment (D/P) and documents against acceptance (D/A).

出口跟单托收(Export Documentary Collection):是指农业银行作为托收行,代贵公司将汇票连同商业单据一起交进口商银行,委托其代为向进口商收取款项的结算方式。出口跟单托收按交单方式,分为付款交单(D/P)和承兑交单(D/A)。The Export Documentary Collection is a settlement mode where ABC, acting as the remitting bank of the customer, sends the draft and shipping documents to the importer's bank and then delegates the importer's bank to collect money from the importer. According to how the documents are delivered, the Export Documentary Collection is divided into documents against payment (D/P) and documents against acceptance (D/A).

Letter of Credit

进口信用证:是农业银行根据贵公司的申请,向受益人开出的、保证规定时间内收到满足信用证要求单据的前提下,对外支付信用证指定币种和金额的结算方式。进口信用证业务包括开立(开证、修改、注销、撤销)、到单处理(电提、审单、拒付)、承兑/承诺延期付款/付款。农业银行可根据贵公司需要开立各种类型的信用证,如即期、延期、承兑、议付、可转让、保兑、循环、背对背信用证等。The Import Letter of Credit (L/C) is a settlement mode where ABC issues a L/C to the beneficiary upon receiving the customer's application, and promises to pay a specific amount to the exporter in the designated currency, after receiving the documents that comply with the L/C requirements within the specified time. Import L/C services include issuance (opening, altering, deregistering and cancelling L/C), documents processing (telegraphic notice, documents review and dishonor), and acceptance/promise of payment or deferred payment. ABC may open any type of L/C appropriate for the customer's needs, such as sight, deferred payment, acceptance, negotiation, transferrable, confirmed,

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