电汇汇入汇款:是农业银行根据国外代理行的SWIFT汇款指示,将款项解付给贵公司的业务。Under T/T, ABC pays the remitted money to the customer according to the SWIFT instruction of the correspondent bank.
票汇汇入汇款:是收款人将国外代理行的汇票提示给农业银行,农业银行核对汇票无误且资金到账后将款项解付给贵公司的业务。Under D/D, the customer presents the draft issued by a foreign correspondent bank, and then ABC pays the remitted money after the draft is checked and the remittance has reached ABC.
2、汇出汇款是指农业银行按照贵公司的指示,以一定的方式将一定的外汇款项支付给指定收款人的结算方式。The Outward Remittance is a type of settlement service where ABC transfers a certain amount of foreign exchanges to the designated payee as instructed by the customer.
Under T/T, ABC transfers a certain amount of foreign exchanges via SWIFT to the bank account of the payee designated by the customer.
票汇汇出汇款:是农业银行签发的以农业银行账户行为付款行,以收款人为抬头人的外汇银行汇票,由贵公司自寄收款人或自行携带,凭票到汇入行(付款行)领取款项的一种汇款方式。Under D/D, ABC draws a foreign exchange demand draft ordered to the payee with an ABC branch as the paying bank, and the payee can get payment from the inward remittance bank (the paying bank) by presenting the draft.
进口代收业务(Import Collection):是指农业银行作为代收行,收到国外