

Chih-Ning Huang and Chia-Tai Chan / Procedia Computer Science 5 (2011) 58–6565


AmI environment have been a trend for future society, and it is an electronic environment that can monitor the situation around the persons or objects and give an adequate response for their needs. Accurate location information is important for location-based service. The proposed system named ZigBEACON system uses the real time RSSI to calculate the mobile node’s position. The system is not only deployed easily but also improves the accuracy of indoor location system in the AmI environment.

In this paper, the proposed ZigBEACON approach alleviates the influence of dynamic indoor environment that can effectively calculate the mobile node’s location in real time. The approach not only improves the accuracy, but also provides less calculation complexity than other improvement methods of LANDMARC. Comparing the results with that of Z-LANDMARC, the proposed methodology reduces about 0.28 to 1.57m estimation error distance and has 29% improvement on average error distance. The ZigBEACON approach is an adequate solution to the indoor location system for AmI applications.


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