


Exercises1. Miss Osborn’s body and heart were still free after various incomplete love affairs. 奥斯本小姐虽然也恋爱过几次,可每次都落空,所以身心还没有得到归宿。 2. People see Reebok shoes as “cool” and the trendy thing to wear. 人们认为锐暴鞋很“酷”,穿上它是一件时髦的事。3. He was the open sesame to a new and glittering world that excited me as nothing in my life had even done before. 他像一把打开通往崭新而光彩夺目的未来的钥匙使我感觉在我生活中还从未 有过这样的激动。 4. More and more hard-working young couples are becoming “dinks”. 越来越多努力工作的年轻夫妇加入到丁克一族中来。 5. Clothing new ideas in old form is in no way different from putting new wine into old bottles. 用旧形式来包装新思想无异于把新酒装在旧瓶里。


第三章 翻译的方法(1)(2011年10月6日)Wang Zheng

Chapter Focus: the Method of Foreignizing

method vs. skill policy vs. strategy cf. approach,way,etc.


Background information 1.A debate Literal: word by word? foreignizing method author-friendly (Europeanization )

Free: randomly? domesticating method reader-friendly

2.Typical examples: 1) All roads lead to Rome (条条大路通罗马 → 殊途同归) 2) early bird catches the worm (早起的鸟儿有虫吃 → 勤能补拙) wrence Venuti: The Translator’s Invisibility


第一节 异化法 Foreignizing is a strategy in which a target text is produced, deliberately breaking target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original, i.e. regaining its cultural identity, restoring the flavor from the source text. 1. Loyal to the original formality eg. In vain to me the smiling mornings shine, And reddening Phoebus lifts his golden fire. 我眼前徒有微笑的早晨在闪耀,徒有红脸 的非勃斯高举金色的火。


2. Close to the cultural identity 1) retainable disc jockey 音乐节目主持人(唱片骑士?) ham actor 蹩脚演员(火腿演员?) 2) interpretable Philadelphia lawyer 绍兴师爷 Every tub must stand on its own bottom. 人贵自立。 3) a mixture tea-making-art show 茶艺秀 diamond wedding 钻石婚


3. Novelty reflection (mostly through transliteration) eg. cool 酷 microblog 围脖 talent 达人 4. Enriching the target language eg. bottleneck 瓶颈 armed to the teeth 武装到牙齿 shed crocodile tears 洒鳄鱼泪

cf. long time no see 好久不见 people mountain people sea 人山人海 (Chinese English?)


5. Limitations 1) Culture of the target language eg.6 p37 2) Acceptance from readers eg.7 p38


Exercises1. He has the microwave smile that warms another without heat.

2. Disarmament in itself is an attempt have one’s cake And eat it.3. The Oxford English Dictionary is the final court of appeal in all matters concerning English words. 4. The star-crossed lovers moved step by step into tragedy. 5. Our parents’ homeland was not li

ke the utopia that they had described.


Thank You!

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