杨樟卫1,张梅玲1,丁昆山2,胡晋红1(1.第二军医大学长海医院药学部,上海200433;2.蚌埠医学院,安徽 233000)
Cost-benefit analysis and dispensing mode study after applying automatic fill-prescription devices in hospital inpatient dispensary
YANG Zhang-wei, ZHANG Mei-ling,DING Kun-shan,HU Jin-hong(1.Changhai Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433,China;2.Bengbu medicine college, Anhui 233000 )
【ABSTRACT】Objective: To evaluate the dispensing mode and cost-benefit of applying before and after the use of automatic fill-prescription devices in inpatient dispensary. Methods: During 15 working days before and after the use of automatic fill-prescription devices changes of working procedures were observed. The time of dispends prescriptions and reexamining drugs was recorded and calculated while the costs were also estimated. Results: Not only the quality of medication but also the working efficiency had been improved after the automatic fill-prescription devices were used .But the cost was also increased . Conclusion: The automatic fill-prescription devices would take out further superiority if the management pattern and working environment was improved.
【KEY WORDS】automatic fill-prescription devices; the working pattern of filling prescription; Cost - benefit analysis
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