painting, flower-and-bird painting and landscapes. In this period, representativesare Jiao Bing Zhen, Len Mei, Jing Ting Biao, Ding Guan Pen, Yao Wen Han. There are also many foreign painters, as Lang Shi Nin, Wang Zhi Cheng , Ai Qi Men. They take the Western painting of light and shadeof perspective and Create a new style connect
Chinese and Western.
This new painting style is different with the Chinese local painting. The new one is more paying attention to paint the creature and describe the detail of things.
Liang Shi Nin, Eight Horses
The local Art style is mainly to show the paintings’ nature environment and display the landscape or creature paintings. It is important for paintings to show the characteristic scenery and the temperament of something. The advantage of local painting is representing the Chinese painting and it can develop our national painting. The Medium paintings period that is named the transition.
In the medium painting, there are many different various Art styles being born on the Southern of China. They are painting about plum, bamboo, orchid, stone… They are good for using the free and easy style and their paintings have more deep thought and intense feelings. The representative painters are Zheng Xie, Jing Nong, Gao Xiang… these paintings experience the many difficulties and problems, because they can not suitable to this terrible society.People always paint the landscape and creature paintings. It is the characteristic of Medium Paintings.
Late Paintings
From Late Qing Dynasty to the end of Dynasty, Art style has a large reformation. In the last Qing Dynasty, our country has been attack by some other foreign countries. The feudal society has been dead and Chinese became semi-feudal society gradually. The painting style change a lot, the essential painting aspect about literati painting and Court painting wasdecline. The local painting style would be end, and the suitable Art style be producing.
Since hundreds of years recently, Shanghai became China's largest industrial and commercial city. Painters and literati were coming here to make a living. In this way,