uint 1 Great wall Microsoft PowerPoint 演示文稿


unit 1 the great wall

Unit 1 Travel

主讲人:路海雯 主讲人: 富锦市职业技术学校

unit 1 the great wall

WarmWarm-up嘉峪关位于甘肃嘉峪 嘉峪关位于甘肃嘉峪 位于甘肃 关市向西5公里处 公里处, 关市向西 公里处, 是明长城西端的第一 重关,也是古代“ 重关,也是古代“丝 绸之路”的交通要冲。 绸之路”的交通要冲。 是明代万里长城西端 是明代万里长城西端 起点, 起点,始建于明洪武 五年(公元1372 五年(公元 ),先后经过 先后经过168 年),先后经过 年时间的修建, 年时间的修建,成为 万里长城沿线最为壮 观的关城。 观的关城。

Hello, everyone. I’d like to lead you to the Jiayuguan Pass. I’m a tour guide. My name is….. The Jiayuguan Pass is located in Gansu Province.And……

unit 1 the great wall

山海关,又称“ 山海关,又称“榆 素有“ 关”,素有“天下第 一关”之称, 一关”之称,闻名天 下。山海关是明长城 东北起点, 的东北起点,境内长 26公里 公里, 城26公里,位于秦皇 岛市以东10多公里处。 10多公里处 岛市以东10多公里处。 至今已有600 600多年的 至今已有600多年的 历史, 历史,自古即为我国 的军事重镇。 的军事重镇。山海关 的城池,周长约4 的城池,周长约4公 是一座小城, 里,是一座小城,整 个城池与长城相连, 个城池与长城相连, 以城为关。城高14 14米 以城为关。城高14米, 厚 7 米。 Shanhaiguan Pass is very famous. It is known as the First Pass under Heaven. Do you the meaning of it?...........

unit 1 the great wall

Let me tell you something about the Old Dragon Head. Do you know why this place is called the Old Dragon Head? It is…….

老龙头位于秦皇岛市山 老龙头位于秦皇岛市山 海关区城南5千米处, 海关区城南5千米处,是 明代万里长城的东部起 明代万里长城的东部起 点,也是万里长城唯一 集山、 集山、海、关、城于一 体的海陆军事防御体系。 体的海陆军事防御体系。 老龙头由入海石城、 老龙头由入海石城、靖 卤台、 卤台、南海口关和澄海 楼组成。 楼组成。澄海楼高踞老 龙头之上,为明代所建, 龙头之上,为明代所建, 清康熙、乾隆年前重修。 清康熙、乾隆年前重修。 楼上有乾隆皇帝所书 澄海楼”匾额。 “澄海楼”匾额。老龙 头地势高峻, 头地势高峻,入海石城 犹如龙首探入大海、 犹如龙首探入大海、弄 涛舞浪,因而名“ 涛舞浪,因而名“老龙 头”。

unit 1 the great wall

It was rebuilt during the Ming Dynasty…..

长城是古代中国在不同 长城是古代中国在不同 是古代中国在 时期为抵御塞北游牧部 时期为抵御塞北游牧部 落联盟侵袭而修筑的规 落联盟侵袭而修筑的规 模浩大的军事工程的统 称。秦始皇时期使用了 近百万劳动力修筑长城, 近百万劳动力修筑长城, 总占

全国人口的二十分 之一。 之一。长城东西绵延上 万华里, 万华里,因此又称作万 里长城。西起嘉峪关, 里长城。西起嘉峪关, 东至辽东虎山, 东至辽东虎山,全长 8851.8公里 公里, 8851.8公里,其中人工 墙体长度为6259.6千米, 6259.6千米 墙体长度为6259.6千米, 平均高6 平均高6至7米、宽4至5 米。长城是我国古代劳 动人民创造的伟大的奇 迹,是中国悠久历史的 见证。它与天安门, 见证。它与天安门,兵 马俑一起被世人视为中 国的象征。 国的象征。

unit 1 the great wall

1. The Great Wall is located in the north of China. 1.Where is the Great Wall? 2.When did the building of the Great Wall begin?Warring States. 2.Its building first began during the period of the 3.Why did several kingdoms build their walls during the Warring States Period? 3.They built the walls to protect their countries. 4.Who decided to have the walls linked and to have thein 221BC? and extended. 4.The first Emperor of the Qin Dynasty decided extended walls linked 5.How many people were forced to build the Great Wall by the first Emperor of 5.About one million people were made to build the Wall. the Qin Dynasty? 6.How long did than ten years to build it. Wall at that time? 6. It took more it take to build the Great 7.It was was theduring Wall which we canin the 16threbuilt? 7.When rebuilt Great the Ming Dynasty see today century. 8.Its total the total more of the Great Wall? 8.What is length is lengththan 6,700 kilometers. 9.When waswas listed by thelisted by the UNESCOHeritage Site. 9.In 1987 it the Great Wall UNESCO as a World as a World Heritage Site?

unit 1 the great wall

1.The walls were built to protect these states. 句中的were built是什么结构?protect的用法? 2.It took them more than ten years to build it under terrible conditions. it 指什么,是什么句型 3.To have the walls linked and extended. have sth.done/ have sth. to do的用法区别 4.On the top of the mountain is the Great Wall. on the top of the mountain 是主语吗? 5.It’s said that about 1 million people, one fifth of China’s population at the time, were forced to build the Wall.画线部分的用法 6. It extends from Shanhaiguan Pass to Jiayuguan Pass . extend 的用法?

1.被动语态 被动语态BE+V.PP; 被动语态 protect from/against 2.It 指代不定式所表达的内容 It takes sb. +时间/金钱 to do sth. 3. have sth. done 让别人去做 have sth. to do do自己亲自去做 4. 不是主语,是状语 5.It’s reported that…….. It’s hoped that……. It’s believed that…….. 6.Extend 作“(时间或空间)延长, 延伸” 例句: This road extends to the airport. we …… 此处隐藏:3703字,全部文档内容请下载后查看。喜欢就下载吧 ……

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