Unit 2 跨文化交际(6)
commucation across culture
Intercultural Communication
communication between people from different cultures
Intercultural Communication…
Requires an understanding of …
Own culture
Cultures of other groups
Parent/Dominant culture (e.g. based on race or ethnicity)
Co-cultures (e.g. based on gender, religion, age)
Intercultural Communication…
Requires an understanding of …..
Knowledge system
Intercultural / Cross-cultural Communication
Although the term cross-cultural is often used as a synonym for intercultural, it traditionally implies a comparison of some phenomena across cultures.
For example, if we examine communication between two Chinese or between two Americans, we are looking at intra-cultural communication.
If we observe communication between a Chinese and an American, in contrast, we are looking at intercultural communication.
If we compare the speech act of apology in the Chinese culture and in the American culture, for example, we are making a cross-cultural comparison.
If we look at how an American or a Chinese is making an apology when communicating with each other, in contrast, we are looking at intercultural communication.
Cross-Cultural Communication
Involves highlighting similarities and differences across cultural groups to promote
International Communication
Interactions among people from different nations. Certainly, communication among people from different countries is likely to be intercultural communication, but that is not always true.
3.3 Types of Communication(2)
human communication (人类交际)
animal communication (动物交际)
human-animal communication (人类与动物的交际)
human-machine communication(人机交际)
machine-to-machine communication(机器交际)
3.4 Media of Communication
Broadcast Media