Unit 2 跨文化交际(10)
commucation across culture
the meanings may not be transferred successfully
words chosen
facial expressions, gestures
tone of voice
encoding and decoding
message encoded may not be decoded as intended
culture and nonverbal factors
---sound, sight, smell, taste, touch
---the nature of the channel selected affects the way a message will be processed
---the impact of a message changes as the channel used to transmit it changes
---the more channels used, the more successful the communication will be
---any stimulus that interferes with the sharing of meaning
external noise
stimuli in the surrounding that distract attention
internal noise
interfering thoughts and feelings inside a communicator
semantic noise
inappropriate choice of words
---noise can function as a communication barrier
verbal response
nonverbal response
serves useful functions for both senders and receivers: it provides senders with the opportunity to measure how they are coming across, and it provides receivers with the opportunity to exert some influence over the communication process.
–-- cultural variables that undermine the communication of intended meaning
Examples of Semantic Noise
一次性用品 :A Time Sex Thing
一次性筷子:One Sex Chopsticks
平时禁止入内 :No entry on peace time
小心溺水:Careful Drowning
童子鸡:Chicken without sexual life
麻婆豆腐: Bean curd made by a pockmarked woman
贵阳:Expensive Sun
干果区 :Fuck the fruit area
1. Find a misleading sign in Meizhou and point out what’s wrong and give a correct one.
2. Further Reading I : Understanding Culture p.64-67