




严严, 章毓晋, YAN Yan, ZHANG Yu-Jin




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5.Fan W;Yeung D Y Locally linear models on face appearance manifolds with application to dual-subspace based classification 2006

6.Shakhnarovich G;Fisher J W;Darrell T Face recognition from long-term observations 2002

7.Srikantaswamy R;Samuel R D S A novel face segmentation algorithm from a video sequence for real-time face recognition 2007

8.Liu X M;Zhang Y J;Tan H C A new Hausdorff distance based approach for face localization 2005(1-9)9.Jia H X;Zhang Y J Human detection in static images 2008

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13.Lee K C;Ho J;Yang M H;Kriegman D Video-based face recognition using probabilistic appearancemanifolds 2003

14.Liu X M;Chen T Video-based face recognition using adaptive hidden Markov models 2003

15.Liu X M;Chen T;Thornton S M Eigenspace updating for non-stationary process and its application toface recognition[外文期刊] 2003(09)

16.Yah Y;Zhang Y J Multimodal biometrics fusion using correlation filter bank 2008

17.Jing X Y;Yao Y F;Zhang D;Yang J Y,Li M Face and palmprint pixel level fusion and kernel DCV-RBFclassifier for small sample biometric recognition[外文期刊] 2007(11)

18.Zhou X;Bhanu B Integrating face and gait for human recognition at a distance in video[外文期刊]2007(05)

19.Zhang Z Y;Liu Z C;Adler D;Cohen M F,Hanson E,Shan Y Robust and rapid generation of animated facesfrom video images:A model-based modeling approach[外文期刊] 2004(02)

20.Choudhury A;Clarkson B;Jebara T;Penland A Multimodal person recognition using unconstrained audio

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