nhancement of traditional industry through IT, have given an impetus to the restructuring of traditional industry and changing of the pattern of its development. The development and application of the Internet has given rise to the emergence of many new industries. Services for the development of industries such as industrial counseling, software service and outsourcing are mushrooming. The role of IT
in promoting independent innovation, energy conservation, emission reduction and environmental protection has become ever more prominent. The Inter-net has emerged as a new strategic industry in China’s development of low-carbon economy.
Microfinance for solar power
Rina Chandran
27 October 2009
Unique microfinance schemes are lighting the lives of South Asian villagers. In a region where millions go without electricity, the use of solar-powered devices such as solar cookers and lanterns will go a long way in promoting the use of renewable energy while bringing down carbon emissions.
Ahmedabad: When night falls in remote parts of Africa and the Indian subcontinent, hundreds of millions of people without access to electricity turn to candles or flammable and polluting kerosene lamps for illumination.