The Nature of Managerial Work(mintzberg)(7)
8 basic skill sets that managers might be taught: 1) working with peers
2) leadership 3) conflict resolution
4) information processing 5) decision making under ambiguity
6) resource allocation 7) entrepreneurship 8) introspection
communication, and problems arise if there are communication breakdowns. 4) Making the most of obligations. Turn to your advantage those things you are obliged to do. 5) Freeing self from obligations. Making the most of obligations is necessary, but not a sufficient condition if a manager is to gain control of his job. They must be able to free themselves to attend to more important issues, as needed. 6) Emphasizing the role that fits the situation. Managers must adapt their role to best suite the situation or environment. 7) Seeing a comprehensive picture in terms of its details. A manager must be able to see the whole picture while looking at the details like a jigsaw puzzle. 8) Dealing with a growing coalition. Managers must balance benefits and power between coalitions. 9) Using the management scientist. A trend in larger organizations is to use the skills of a management scientist to help deal with increasingly complex problems. Cooperative agreements must be made with the analyst, and work to gain their support.