

目的 探讨纤维化相关基因, 特别是与转化生长因子β(Transforming growth factor-β, TGF-β)信号通路相关的基因在人重度积水肾与正常肾组织中的差异表达变化。 方法 收集临床重度肾积水新鲜标本12例,正常肾组织标本6例,分别提取总RNA并纯化。选择TGF-β/骨形成蛋白(Bone

表1 部分在重度积水肾组织中表达显著性上调的基因


Bone morphogenetic protein 3(BMP3)

Growth differentiation factor 2(GDF2)

Nodal homolog(Nodal)

Goosecoid, GSC

Growth differentiation factor 7(GDF7)

Collagen, typeⅠ, alpha 1(ColⅠA1)

Insulin-like growth factor 1(IGF1)

Transforming growth factor beta 3(TGFB3)

Inhibitor of DNA binding 1(ID1)

Latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 1(LTBP1)

Serpin peptidase inhibitor clade E(SERPINE1)

Inhibin beta B(INHBB)

Transforming growth factor beta 1(TGFB1)

Bone morphogenetic protein receptor typeⅡ(BMPR2)

Ct H组10.4115.9515.9514.3115.95N组 2- Ct 13.89 11.16 19.19 9.45 19.19 9.45 17.21 7.46 18.80 7.21 5.11 7.43 4.99 5.94 7.96 4.06 9.48 11.14 3.16 2.13 3.52 2.62 5.25 6.61 2.57 5.96 7.14 2.27 11.4412.61 2.25 4.25 5.41 2.23 7.43 8.45 2.03 注:根据专业文献[6],表中的2- Ct值即表示该基因的上调倍数,如BMP3的上调倍数为11.16倍。

表2 部分在重度积水肾组织中表达显著性下调的基因


Bone morphogenetic protein 2(BMP2)

Left-right determination factor 1(LEFTY1)

BMP binding endothelial regulator(BMPER)

Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A(CDKN1A)

Transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅲ(TGFBR3)

Bone morphogenetic protein 5(BMP5)

TGFB-induced factor(TGIF)

Bone morphogenetic protein 6(BMP6)

Transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ(TGFBR2)

Signal transducer and activator of transcription 1(STAT)

Bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type ⅠA(BMPR1A)

Growth differentiation factor 5(GDF5)

Bone morphogenetic protein 7(BMP7)

Transforming growth factor beta receptor 1(TGFBR1)

SMAD, mothers against DPP homolog 1(SMAD1)

SMAD, mothers against DPP homolog 2(SMAD2) Ct H组 N组 2- Ct 11.86 7.46 0.05 9.02 5.26 0.07 15.95 12.45 0.09 10.72 8.08 0.16 9.98 7.39 0.17 14.84 12.31 0.17 7.22 4.93 0.2 14.44 12.27 0.22 15.95 13.78 0.22 7.62 5.84 0.29 11.35 9.56 0.29 15.95 14.33 0.33 10.96 9.42 0.34 11.51 10.2 0.4 8.24 6.96 0.41 6.51 5.32 0.44 注:根据专业文献[6],表中某基因的下调倍数应当为相应2- Ct值的倒数,如Lefty1的下调倍数为13.55倍。

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