


18. Please relax your tongue/jaw/shoulders. 放松舌头/下巴/肩膀。
19. Please raise your left hand if you feel pain. 如果疼痛,请举起您的左手。
20. Rinse your mouth, please. 请漱口。

三.Questions about medical history 既往史的询问
1. First, I will ask you about your general health and allergies. 首先,我需要了解您的全身健康状况和过敏史。
2. How are your health conditions now? ( Excellent, Average, Poor) 您现在的身体状况如何?
3. Do you have any chronic disease? 您有什么慢性病吗?
4. Have you ever had a serious illness? 您有重大疾病史吗?
5. Have you had any operations in the past? 您有手术史吗?
6. Have you had any serious accidents or injuries? 您有外伤史?
7. Have you ever had a blood transfusion? 您有输过血。
8. Do you have or have you ever had the disease of heart, liver or kidney? 您有心脏病,肝病和肾病。
9. Are you suffering from hypertension? 您有高血压病史吗?
10. Have you had any diabetes? 您有糖尿病史吗?
11. Do you have a fever? 您有发烧吗?
12. How is your appetite? 您的食欲怎样?
13. Do you have any trouble in swallowing food? 您有吞咽困难的现象吗?
14. Do you take any medication regularly? 您目前有长期用药吗?
15. Are you pregnant? 您有怀孕吗?
16. Is your menstrual cycle regular? 您的月经规律吗?
17. When did your last period begin? 您末次月经是什么时候?
18. Do you have any allergy? 您有过敏史吗?
22. Have you ever had an injection for anesthesia? 您以前用过麻醉药吗?
23. Have you ever had abnormal bleeding from an injury of a tooth extratction? 您有过伤口或拔牙创口出血不止的经历吗?
24. Have you ever had complications from dental treatment? 您有过与治牙相关的并发症吗

四. Questions about general symptoms 一般症状的询问
1. What is your trouble?
2. Tell me what symptoms you have? 能描述一下您的症状吗?
3. When did you first notice such conditions? 您第一次发现这种情况是什么时候?
4. Have you already attended another hospital with your problems? 您有在其他医院看过吗?
5. Please tell me the name of the hospital, the period and the type of treatment you received. 请告诉我医院的名字,治疗方法和时间。
6. When were you under the care of the doctor recently, tell me the symptoms you had. 您什么时候接受的治疗,告诉我你的症状。
7. When did you become swollen up like this? 您什么时候肿成这样的。
8. How long did it bleed? 出血多长时间?
9. When did the tooth last have dental treatment? 最后一次治牙是什么时候?

五.Questions about pain 疼痛的询问
1. When did the tooth sta
rt to hurt? 这牙什么时候开始痛?
2. What kind of pain did you feel? 是那种类型的痛?
3. Can you describe the pain? Is it a dull pain/a sharp pain/a throbbing pa

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