收支赤字,其金額相等於它的淨流which is equal to its net outflow of出資金總額。
國際收支平衡統計數字的主要用Main Uses of BoP Statistics
國際收支平衡表及有關的數據,一BoP data are important for monetary向對地區及國際間貨幣及財政監and financial monitoring and policy控與政策考慮,皆非常重要。此等deliberations in both territorial and數據對很多分析研究工作都非常international contexts. Such data areuseful for analytical studies on income有用:包括收入增長、經濟體系的growth, external orientation of the開放程度、貨物及服務貿易與直接economy, relationships between trade投資流動的關係、匯率與經常及金in goods and services and direct融帳的連繫、國際間的銀行交易、investment flows, links between theexchange rate and the Current and資產證券化、金融市場發展及對外Financial accounts, international負債情況等。以下是一些具體的例banking transactions, assets子:
securitisation and financial marketdevelopments, external debt situation,and so on. Some examples are givenbelow :-(甲)經常轉移的數據,與本地居
Data on current transfers, when民生產總值相結合,便可編combined with Gross National製本地居民可支配收入。這Product (GNP), will enable the是一個整體收入指標,在分compilation of gross nationaldisposable income for Hong析開支及儲蓄行為的變動Kong, which should be a very十分有用。
useful measure of aggregateincome for analysing changes inconsumption and savings.(乙)對外投資流動(包括直接投
Data on external investment資、有價證券投資、金融衍flows (direct investment,生工具及其他投資)的數
portfolio investment, financialderivatives and other investment)
據,提供一個宏觀經濟資料will provide a macroeconomic庫,令很多重要經濟課題的database to support economic分析工作,例如經濟增長、analysis on many important生產力的變動、工業效率及issues like economic growth,productivity change, industrial金融結構等,得以進行。
efficiency and financialstructures.(丙)具有完備的國際收支平衡
A complete BoP account will表,可以辨別出在外匯市場help discern the various forces in中,足以影響港元匯價的各the foreign exchange market種因素,及在香港金融體系affecting the external exchangevalue of the Hong Kong dollar,中足以影響外匯總供應量and the supply of foreign的各種力量。該等資料,對exchange in Hong Kong’s使用計量經濟的方法以分financial system. Such析貨幣供求,及從貨幣方面information will be useful foranalysing money supply and分析本地總體需求及通貨demand using econometric膨脹,尤為有用。
techniques, and for analysingaggregate domestic demand andinflation from the monetary side.
February 2001
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