標準,以個人而言,居民是指通常include individuals and organizations.在該經濟體系的經濟領域居住的According to international statistical人士,與其國籍無關;以機構而standards, for individuals, residents言,居民是指通常在該領域經營業refer to those who normally stay in theeconomic territory of the economy,務的機構。概念上,該等人士或機irrespective of their nationality; and for構的居民身分主要是以其經濟利organizations, residents refer to those益核心為依歸。一個經濟體系的經which ordinarily operate in the濟領域,是指該經濟體系的政府所economic territory. Conceptually, theresidence status of individuals and管治的地域,而在該領域內的人organizations in this regard depends on士、貨物及資本均可在域內自由流their centre of economic interest. The動。
economic territory of an economyconsists of the geographic territoryadministered by the government withinwhich persons, goods and capitalcirculate freely.
國際收支平衡表的分類及標準組Classification and Standard成部分
Components of BoP
完備的國際收支平衡表包括以下A complete BoP account comprises the兩個主要核算帳:(甲)經常帳;following two broad accounts: (a)及(乙)資本及金融帳。Current Account; and (b) Capital andFinancial Account.
國際收支平衡表的主要組成部The main BoP components, their分,其定義及分類載於附錄一以供definitions and classification are set out參考。該等定義及分類乃根據國際貨幣基金組織出版的國際收支平follow internationally adopteddefinitions and classifications衡手冊(第五版)內所列出的標準published in the 5th edition of BPM of訂定。而國際收支平衡表中各主要the IMF. The relationships between項目的相互關係則載於附錄二。
the main components of a BoP account(甲)經常帳(a)Current Account
經常帳是量度實質資源的流動,包The current account measures flow of括進出口的貨物,輸入及輸出的服real resources including exports and務,從外地應收的收益及應付予外imports of goods and services, income地的收益,以及從外地來的及往外receivable and payable abroad, andcurrent transfers from and to abroad.
Goods, Services and Income
貨物、服務及收益的各項標準組成The standard components covering部分旨在反映一個經濟體系向世goods, services, and income are to界各地提供,或從世界各地獲得的reflect the provision and acquisition of實質資源情況。貸方項目是用以量real resources by an economy to andfrom other economies. Flows度該經濟體系提供了多少其本地recorded as credit measure the生產予其他經濟體系(貨物出口及economy’s domestic output (exports of服務輸出),以及由於其他經濟體goods and services) provided to other系使用其生產要素而向該等體系economies, as well as receipt of factorincomes arising from its factors of收取的要素收益(僱員報酬及投資production (compensation of收益)。反過來,借方項目是用以employees and investment income)量度從其他經濟體系獲得了多少used in the productive process in other該等體系的生產(貨物進口及服務economies. Conversely, flowsrecorded as debit measure the輸入),以及由於使用該等體系的acquisition of output of other生產要素而支付對方的要素收economies (imports of goods and益。
services) and payment of factorincomes to other economies for the useof the latter’s factors of production.經常轉移
Current Transfers
經常轉移是指一個經濟體系,在無Current transfers are those transactions同等經濟價值回報的情況下,對其in which an economy provides real and他經濟體系所提供的實質及金融
financial resources that areimmediately or shortly consumed by
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