次高级路面 sub--high type pavement 中级路面 intermediate type pavement 低级路面 low type pavement 水泥混凝土路面 cement concrete pavement
沥青路面 bituminous pavement 沥青混凝土路面 bituminous concrete pavement
沥青碎石路面 bituminous macadam pavement
沥青贯入碎(砾)石路面 bituminous penetration pavement
沥青表面处治 bituminous surface treatment
块料路面 block pavement 石块路面 stone block pavement 泥结碎石路面 clay--bound macadam pavement
水结碎石路面 water--bound macadam pavement
级配路面 graded aggregate pavement 稳定土基层 stabilized soil base course 工业废渣基层 industrial waste base course
块石基层 Telford base 层铺法 spreading in layers 拌和法 mixing method 厂拌法 plant mixing method 路拌法 road mixing method 热拌泼 hot mixing method 冷拌法 cold mixing method 热铺法 hot laid method
冷铺法 cold laid method 贯入法 penetration method 铺砌法 pitching method 缩缝contraction joint 胀缝 expansion joint 真缝 true joint 假缝 dummy joint 横缝transverse Jo1nt 纵缝 longitudinal joint 施工缝 construction joint 传力杆 dowel bar 拉杆 tie bar
路面平整度 surface evenness 路面粗糙度 surface roughness 路面摩擦系数friction coefficient of pavement
附着力 adhesive force
水滑现象hydroplaning phenomenon 桥梁 bridge
公路桥 highway bridge
公铁两用桥 highway and rail transit bridge
人行桥 pedestrian bridge 跨线桥 overpass bridge 高架桥 viaduct
永久性桥 permanent bridge 半永久性桥 semi-permanent bridge 临时性桥 temporary bridge 钢筋混凝土桥 reinforced concrete bridge
预应力混凝土桥 prestressed concrete bridge
钢桥 steel bridge 斜拉桥(斜张桥) cable stayed bridge 圬工桥 masonry bridge 悬索桥 suspension bridge 木桥 timber bridge 漫水桥 submersible bridge 正交桥 right bridge 浮桥 pontoon bridge 斜交桥 skew bridge 开启桥 movable bridge 弯桥 curved bridge 装配式桥 fabricated bridge 坡桥 bridge on slope 装拆式钢桥 fabricated steel bridge 斜桥 skew bridge 涵洞 culvert 正桥 right bridge 管涵 pipe culvert 上承式桥 deck bridge 拱涵 arch culvert 中承式桥 half-through bridge 箱涵 box culvert 下承式桥 through bridge 盖板涵 slab culvert
梁桥 beam bridge
无压力式涵洞 non-pressure culvert 简支梁桥 simple supported beam 压力式涵洞 pressure culvert bridge
半压力式涵洞 partial pressure culvert 连续梁桥 continuous beam bridge 倒虹吸涵 siphon culvert 悬臂梁桥 cantilever beam bridge 上部结构 superstructure 联合梁桥 composite beam bridge 主梁 main beam 板桥 slab bridge 横梁 floor beam
拱桥 arch bridge
纵梁 longitudinal beam,stringer 双曲拱桥 two-way curved arch bridge 挂梁 suspended beam 空腹拱桥 open spandrel arch bridge 拱圈 arch,ring
实腹拱桥 filled spandrel arch bridge 拱上结构 spandrel structure 系杆拱桥 bowstring arch bridge 腹拱 spandrel arch 桁架桥 truss bridge 拱上侧墙 spandrel wall
刚构桥 rigid frame bridge 桥面系 floor system,bridge decking T 形刚构桥 T-shaped rigid frame 桥面铺装 bridge deck pavement bridge
伸缩缝 expansion and contraction joint 连续刚构桥 continuous rigid frame 桥面伸缩装置 bridge floor expansion bridge
斜腿刚构桥 rigid frame bridge with contraction installation inclined 1egs
安全带 safety belt
桥头搭板 transition slab at bridge head 下部结构 substructure 桥墩 pier 墩身 pier body 墩帽 coping 盖梁 bent cap 破冰体 ice apron 重力式桥墩 gravity pier 实体桥墩 solid pier 空心桥墩 hollow pier 柱式桥墩 column pier 排架桩墩 pile bent pier 柔性墩 flexible pier 制动墩 braking pier
单向推力墩 single direction thrusted pier
桥台 abutment 台身 abutment body 前墙 front wall 翼墙 wing walls 台帽 coping 锥坡 conical slope 耳墙 wing walls
U 形桥台 U-shaped abutment 八字形桥台 flare wing wall abutment 一字形桥台 head wall abutment,straight abutment
重力式桥台 gravity abutment 埋置式桥台 buried abutment 扶壁式桥台 counterforted abutment 锚锭板式桥台 anchored bulkhead abutment
支撑式桥台 supported type abutment 地基 subsoil
加固地基 consolidated subsoil 天然地基 natural subsoil 基础 foundation
扩大基础 spread foundation 沉井基础 open caisson foundation 管柱基础 cylindrical shaft foundation 桩基础 pile foundation 桩 pile
预制桩 precast pile
就地灌注桩 cast-in-place concrete pile 摩擦桩 friction pile 支承桩 bearing pile 承台 bearing platform 支座 bearing
固定支座 fixed bearing 活动支座 expansion bearing 索塔 cable bent tower 索鞍 cable saddle
调治构造物 regulating structure 丁坝 spur dike 顺坝 longitudinal dam 桥位 bridge site
桥梁全长 total length of bridge 主桥 main bridge 引桥 approach span 跨径 span
桥涵计算跨径 computed span 桥涵净跨径 clear span 矢跨比 rise span ratio
计算矢高 calculated rise of arch