

ocument stating that particular facts are true 证明;证书

@  darken v. (cause to) become dark (使)变黑

@  reassuringly ad. in a way to make sb. feel less worried, frightened or nervous 让人安心

@ tear vt. (tore, torn)
@ 1. remove sth. by pulling it away from sth. else with force 撕掉
@ 2. damage sth. by pulling it apart or into pieces 撕;撕碎

@ suck v. 1. take air or smoke into one's lungs 把(空气或烟)吸进肺部
@ 2. pull liquid into one's mouth 吸;吮

@ stripe n. [C] a line of one color that is different from its background color 条纹

▲ turbine n. [C] 涡轮机;叶轮机

@ install vt. put a piece of equipment somewhere so that it is ready to be used 安装

@ generator n. [C] a machine that produces electricity 发电机

@ horsepower n. [U] a unit for measuring the power of an engine 马力

@ fare vi. used for saying how well or how badly sb. does sth. 进展
@ n. the money one pays for a journey 车费;船费;交通费

@ prescribe vt. 1. say what medicine or treatment a sick person should or must have 开处方
@ 2. state what must happen or be done in certain conditions 规定;命令

@ pill n. [C] a small solid piece of medicine 药片

@ steamer n. [C] a boat or ship which moves by steam power 汽船

@ deduct vt. take away an amount from a total 扣除,减去

@ siege n. [C, U] a situation in which an army or the police surround a place and try to gain
control of it or force sb. to come out of it 围攻;包围

@ output n. [C, U] an amount of goods or work produced by a person, factory, etc. 产品;产

@ submerge vt. go below the surface of water 浸没,淹没

@ grocery a. 食品杂货(店)的

★ simultaneous a. existing or occurring at the same time 同时的

@  simultaneously ad. at the same time 同时地

@ gaze vi. look at sb. or sth. for a long time 凝视,注视

@ microphone n. [C] a device that makes one's voice louder when they are speaking or
singing 麦克风

@ twist vt. change the shape of sth. by bending or turning it 使弯曲;使扭曲;使变形

@ weapon n. [C] any object used in fighting or war, such as a gun or a bomb 武器

■ lousy a. very bad, unpleasant, useless, etc. 糟糕的;令人作呕的;无用的

Phrases and Expressions
@ on the beat (a police officer) walking around an area that he has responsibility for 在巡逻

@ run into trouble/ difficulty/problems begin to have trouble/difficulty/problems 遇到麻烦/

@ let alone used for showing that the thing mentioned next is even less likely or be
lievable than
the one mentioned before 更不用说

@ make one's way go to a place 去;前往

@ tear down remove or pull down sth. 拆毁

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