a number of people 发出;寄出
@ under one's nose just in front of sb. 就在...面前
@ just about almost; very nearly 几乎;差不多
@ enter into 1. officially make an agreement 达成(协议);订立(合同)
@ 2. begin to do sth. 开始做某事
@ have no bearing on sth. have no effect or influence on sth., or be irrelevant to sth. 对...无
@ lay sth. bare make sth. known 揭露;暴露
@ shed light on make sth. easier to understand 使...易于理解
Proper Names
@ Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 杰奎琳·肯尼迪·奥纳西斯(1929-1994,美国第35任总统
@ Aristotle Onassis 亚里士多德·奥纳西斯(1906-1975,希腊船王)
@ the American Academy of Marriage Lawyers 美国婚姻法律师协会
@ Ed Smith 艾德·史密斯(人名)
New Words 9B
@ undergo vt. experience sth. 经历;经受
@ conclude vt. 1. decide that sth. is true after considering all the information available 推断;
@ 2. bring sth. to an end 结束;完成
@ orderly a. well arranged or organized 整齐的;井然有序的
@ household n. [C] all the people living together in a house 家庭;一家人
@ a. used in homes or relating to homes 家庭的;家用的
@ release vt. 1. make sth. known or available to the public 发布
@ 2. let sb. leave a place where they have been kept 释放,放出
@ council n. [C] a group of people elected to make decisions or give advice on a particular
subject 委员会
@ graph n. [C] a picture which shows how two or more sets of information are related, usually
by lines or curves 图表;曲线图
@ finding n. [C] (usu. pl.) sth. that is discovered after studies or research 调查(或研究)结
@ abandon vt. 1. leave sb., esp. sb. you are responsible for 抛弃;遗弃
@ 2. stop doing sth. because there are too many problems 放弃;中止
@ abandonment n. [U] the act of abandoning sb. or sth. 抛弃;放弃;中止
@ dissolve vt. formally end a marriage, organization, etc. 解除;解散
@ v. mix with a liquid and become part of it 溶解
@ frequency n. [U] the number of times that sth. happens 频率
@ prime a. 1. of the best quality 一流的,最好的
@ 2. most important 首要的;主要的
@ burden n. [C] a difficult responsibility that one has to deal with 负担
@ overtake (overtook, overtaken)
@ vt. take control of sb. or sth. 控制;压倒
@ v. go past a vehicle or person 超过;追上
@ theme n. [C] the main subject of a talk, book, film
, etc. 主题
@ agenda n. [C] a list of things to be dealt with or to be discussed at a meeting 议程
@ industrialize vt. (BrE industrial