int to a degree that 达到...的程度
@ go on to sth. do sth. after you have finished doing sth. else 继续做(另一件事)
@ scrape by have just enough money to live 勉强生活
Proper Names
@ Judith Bruce 朱迪思·布鲁斯(人名)
@ the Population Council 人口委员会
@ Ghana 加纳(西非国家)
@ the Philippines 菲律宾(东南亚国家)
@ Bangladesh 孟加拉国(南亚国家)
@ Argentina 阿根廷(南美洲中南部国家)
@ Malaysia 马来西亚(东南亚国家)
New Words 10A
★ handicap n. 1. [C] a disadvantage that prevents sb. from doing sth. well 障碍;不利条件
@ 2. [C] a disability of the body or mind 残疾;缺陷
@ authority n. 1. [U] the power to make decisions or tell people what to do 权力;权威;威
@ 2. (the ~ties) the people or organizations that are in charge of a country or area 当局;官
@ misdoing n. [C] a wrong act; a mistake 错事;失误
★ drawback n. [C] a disadvantage 缺点;不足
★ invariably ad. always 总是;始终
★ clarity n. [U] clearness, esp. the quality of being easy to understand 清晰;清楚;易懂
@ expertly ad. very skillfully 熟练地
@ cruise vi. 1. do sth. well and easily 轻松做到
@ 2. sail in a ship for pleasure 乘船巡游
@ practically ad. almost 几乎,差不多
@ slam v. 1. hit or attack sb. or sth. with a lot of force 使劲打;猛击
@ 2. shut a door, etc. with a loud noise 把...砰地关上
@ percentage n. [C, U] an amount stated as if it is part of a whole which is 100 百分比,百分
★ dread vt. feel afraid or worried about sth. 害怕;担心
@ n. [sing. U] fear of sth. bad that might happen 害怕;畏惧
@ intensity n. [U] a very strong level of thought or attention 强烈;强度
@ craft n. 1. [C, U] the skill needed for doing sth. well 技巧
@ 2. [C] a traditional way of making things by hand 手工艺
@ rocket n. [C] 火箭
@ spacecraft n. [C](pl. spacecraft) a vehicle that travels in space 太空船;宇宙飞船
@ extension n. [C] sth. that develops from a particular custom, activity, idea, etc. 扩展;发展
@ altitude n. [C] the height above sea level 海拔高度
@ harness vt. control and use a natural force to do sth. 治理;利用
@ solar a. using the power of the sun's heat and light 太阳的
@ orbit n. [C] the path taken by an object moving along a larger object in space 轨道
@ bureau n. [C] a government department or a part of it 局;司;署
@ gulf n. [C] a large area of sea partly enclosed b
y land 海湾
@ streak n. 1. [C] (a ~ of) a series of 一系列
@ 2. [C] a part of one's character that is different from the rest of their