chapter 5 semantics语言学(3)


2.4.meaning as behaviour:according to this view,the meaning of words is the “situation in which the speaker utters it and the response it calls forth in the hearer”.

3.G.Leech recognizes 7 types of meaning in semantics.

1)Conceptual meaning

2)associative meaning:Connotative Meaning 内涵意义; Social Meaning 社会意义; Affective Meaning 感情意义;Reflected Meaning 反映意义;Collocative Meaning 搭配意义

3)thematic meaning

Conceptual Meaning:which makes up the centual meaning,refers to logical,cognitive meaning or denotative meaning.e.g:desk:a piece of furniture with a flat top and four lags at which one reads and writes.

Connotative Meaning:What is communicated by virture of what language refers to.e.g:Woman: housewife, gentle, cry, fragile, weak

Social Meaning:What is communicated of the social circumstances of language (general language) steed (poetic language) nag (slang) gee (baby language)

Affective Meaning:Concerned with the expression of feelings and attitudes of speakers or writers.stateman and politician

Reflected Meaning:What is communicated through association with another sense of the same expression.e.g:Intercourse;Bottom up(干杯! 屁股朝天);小姐,接客

Collocative Meaning:What is communicated through association with words which tend to occur in the environment of another word.e.g:pretty man

Thematic Meaning :What is communicated by the way in which the message is organized in terms of order and emphasis. 用主被动句举例就行。

4. Major Sense Relations

Sense relations in terms of words:sameness relation;oppositeness relation;inclusiveness relation

4.1.Synonymy is the sameness relation or close similarity of meaning.

No total or absolute synonyms exist.They may 1) differ in style(degree of formality) :buy-purchase2) differ in connotations:thrifty-stingy 3)differ in dialects(dialectal synonymes) autumn-fall

4.2. Antonymy is the term used for oppositeness of meaning.Words that are opposite in meaning are antonyms.Words do not contrast each other only on a single dimension; in fact oppositemess can be found on different dimensions and different kinds of antonyms are recognized.There are three main sub-types:Gradable antonymy ;Complementary antonymy;Converse antonymy

4.2.1Gradable antonymy:Gradable antonyms are antonyms that are gradable because There are often intermediate forms between the two members.It is a matter of degree.For example,old and young are immediately recognized as antonyms,but they stand for two extrems,between which there exist intermediate forms representing differing degree of being old or young,such as “middle-aged”.Features of gradable antonyms are:1)The denial of one is not necessarily the assertion of the other.not good ≠bad 2)they can be modified by very.very good 3)they may have comparative and superlative degree.better,worse 4)antonyms of this kind are graded against different norms.A big car is smaller than a small plane. 5)One member of a pair,usually the term for the higher degree,serves as the cover term.The cover term is called “unmarked”,i.e usual.the covered term is called “marked”,i.e unusual.If the covered is used,it suggests that there is sth odd,unusual here.The speaker may want to know the extent in greater detail.E.g:How old are

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