Lesson 19 a very dear cat
Lesson 19 A very dear cat Objective: Review the usage of verbs.
INDEX Background Grammar New words Sentence VCR Exercises
I Revision Question the phrases learned in lesson 18.
Ask two students to tell the usage of prep. Check the written word list on student’s homework.
动物世界 视频
DINK family
Grammar Considering the amount she paid, he was dear in more ways than one !(动词+ ing作介词) V. + ing作介词:有些动词的-ing形式可^作普通介词使用,如: considering (就…而论),regarding (关于),concerning (关于), respecting (关于,鉴于),according to (根据)。如: Considering the amount she paid,he was dear in more ways than one!(本文) Now,regarding money,what is to be done?现在关于钱的问题,该怎么办? Her feeling concerning the arrival of Sophia were very complex.索菲ft的到来使她的感情很复杂。Respecting (用于书 面语)your salary, we shall come to a decision later. 关于你的工资,我们稍后作决定。 According to the Bible, the world was created in seven days.根据《圣经》,上帝用7天创造了世界。
II New words & Expressions dear adj. (1) Loved and cherished 亲爱的,心 爱的 eg. my dearest friend 我最亲爱的朋友 (2) (usu used with “to sb”) Greatly valued; precious 非常受珍视的;宝贵的 eg. He lost everything that was dear to him. 他 所珍贵的一切都 失去了。 (3) Highly esteemed or regarded. Used in direct address, especially in salutations 敬爱的, 常用 于书信中,尤指用于尊称 eg. Dear Lee Dawson 敬爱的李道森先生 (4) High-priced; expensive 价格高的;昂贵的 eg. Fruit is dear at this time of year. 一年中这个时候水果是很贵的。
II New words & Expressions
dear n. (1) One that is greatly loved; An endearing, lovable, or kind person 亲爱的人, 受爱戴的人, 可爱的或善良的人 eg. Be like a dear! [口]做好人, 做个好孩 子 That's a dear! 这才是好孩子! 这才乖 呢! There's a dear! 这才是好孩子! 这才乖 呢!
II New words & Expressions dear adv.(1) With fondness; affectionately 热 爱地, 钟爱地,充满深情地 (2) At a high cost 高价地 eg. They sold their wares dear 高价出售他们的加工品 We will pay dear for your goods. 将付很高的价 interj. Used as a polite exclamation, chiefly of surprise or distress 呵,哎 呀, 用于表示有礼貌的感叹, 尤指表示惊 讶或痛苦 eg. oh dear; dear me 哦;哎呀
II New words & Expressions kidnap vt. kidnap(p)ed; kidnap(p)ing 绑架, 拐骗, 诱拐(小孩) kidnapee n. [美]被绑架的人, 肉票 kidnap(p)er n. 拐骗者; 绑架者
II New words & Expressions considerable adj. (1)Large in amount, extent, or degree 相当大的在数量、 范 围或程度上很大的 eg. a writer of considerable influence 一名有很大影响的作 家 a considerable distance 一
段颇远的距离 (2) Worthy of consideration; significant 重要的, 值得考虑的; 有重大意义的 eg. The economy was a considerable issue in the campaign. 在竞选运动中经济是一个重要问题 a considerable man in local affairs 地方事务上相当重要的人物 n. (Informal) A considerable amount, extent, or degree. [美俗]大量, 很大的数量、范围或程度多 eg. He has done considerable for me. 他为我做了不少事。
II New words & Expressions wealthy adj. (1) Having wealth; rich 有钱的;富的 eg. a wealthy family 富裕的家庭 I wish everyone to be healthy, wealthy and happy. 我希望每个人都能过健康,富裕,幸福的生活。 (2) Marked by abundance 以丰富为特征的: eg. a wealthy land 富饶的土地 (3) Well supplied 储备丰富的 eg. wealthy in compassion 感情丰富
II New words & Expressions rich 系常用词, 指“有比正常需要更多钱财的“ eg. He was rich. 他很富。 wealthy 表示"富裕的", 程度比 rich 强, 指"有大量钱 财的" eg. This is a wealthy family. 这是个非常有钱的家庭。 well-to-do 语意不如 rich, 更不如wealthy , 指"高于一 般水平富的“ eg. a well-to-do family 一个小康之家。 well-off 语意与well-to-do接近, 指"相当富有的","富 裕的” eg. We are very well-off now for out-door labor. 由于在外边做事, 我们现在很富裕。
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