脉冲阀-上海袋除尘配件SBFEC-DMF-Y (1)
上海袋式除尘配件有限公司由美国戈尔公司 (W.L.Gore& Associates, Inc.)与上海碳素厂于 1997年9月合作组建,投资总额540万美元,是一家拥有30多年研制、生产和销售环晶牌袋式除尘器过滤单元、自动清灰系统及配件经验的著名企业。 公司产品包括电磁脉冲阀、清灰控制仪、滤袋、滤袋框架、专用配件、电气控制柜及过滤筒等,是国内生产袋式除尘器配件品种最为齐全、质量最为优异的企业。公司厂房使用面积达1万平方米,拥有年产40万只电磁脉冲阀生产线、 30万只滤袋缝纫专用设备和年产 2万台清灰控制仪生产线。公司测试设备齐全,生产工艺先进,所具有的模具设计加工、压铸、注塑、冲压、塑封、机械加工、焊接、装配等自动化及半自动化产品全套生产线使产品性能和质量均与国际同类产品接轨,并广泛应用于钢铁冶金、有色冶炼、建筑水泥、化工、
工业电站锅炉以及城市垃圾焚烧等行业中的粉尘治理和烟气净化,产品批量出口美国、欧洲、日本及东南亚等地区,在国内外市场享有很高的声誉和知名度。 公司连年先后被确认为上海市外商投资先进技术企业和上海市高新技术企业,通过美国TUV ISO 9001质量管理体系认证,先后被评为中国环境保护产业骨干企业,上海市A类纳税信用单位和上海市A类财务会计信用单位,以及上海市AAA级守合同重信用企业。公司六大类产品全部通过国家环保总局产品认证及复审。 在技术领先产品适销对路的情况下,公司销售额及用户数量保持连年增长。公司将秉承和发展"以人为本"的原则,注重专业人才的引进、培养,以稳定提升产品质量及新品开发,扩大销售规模,为上海袋式除尘配件有限公司的可持续性发展提供坚实的基础。
IntroductionJointly established by W. L. Gore& Associates, Inc. and Shanghai Carbon Works with a total investment of US$ 5.4 million in September 1997, Shanghai Bag Filtration Equipment Co., Ltd. is a famous company with a tradition of more than 30 years in developing, manufacturing and selling bag filtration component, automatic dust-clean system and accessories under the brand name of HuanJing. With a product line covers pulse jet valve, dust control device, filter bag, filter bag cage, special parts, electric control cabinet and filter cartridge, the company enjoys the most complete options and highest quality of its bag filtration components in China. The company’s production facility covers an area of 10000 m2 and owns production lines with
annual capacity of 400,000 pulse jet valves and 300,000 filter bags, and a production line with an annual capacity of 20000 dust control devices. With full range of testing equipments and advanced production techniques, the performance and quality of the company’s automated and semi-automated production lines in mold design and processing, die casting, plastic injecting, press molding, plastic encapsulation, mechanical processing, welding and assembling have met the international standards for relevant categories. The company’s products are widely used in dust treatment and smoke purification in ferrous metallurgy, non-ferrous metal metallurgy, construction cement, chemical, industrial power station boiler, urban trash burning and other applications. Its products are exported in large quantities to US, Europe, Japan and Southeast Asia and enjoy great reputation and awareness both at home and abroad markets. Being awarded the titles of the“Foreign Invested Hi-tech Company in Shanghai” and“Hi-tech Company in Shanghai”, the company has been qualified by the ISO9001 quality system certification and review of the TUV America Inc. The company has also been awarded the titles of“The Key Company in Environmental Protection in China”,“A-class Company Creditable in Taxpaying in Shanghai”,“A-class Company Creditable in Accounting in Shanghai” and was named“the AAA-class Company Adhering to Contract and Credit in Shanghai” . The company’s 6 categories of products have all been qualified by the State Administration of Environment Protection’s product certification and review. Backed by leading technology, the company’ s products sell well in the market. The total sale and the number of users have kept increasing for years. Adhering to the principle of“peopleoriented”, the company will focus on introducing in and cultivating human resources, stably improving product quality, developing new product, enlarging the sales scale, and providing a sound foundation for the sustainable development of Shanghai Bag Filtration Equipment Co., Ltd.
Table of Content s
产品用途Usage Working Principle
3 3 5 5 6 6 7 14 18 21
Type Definition Type and Specification Technical Index
Material Construction Configuration Size
结构尺寸Installation Notice
Common failure and troubleshooting
产品用途 Usage电磁脉冲阀 (亦称隔膜阀)是脉冲袋式除尘器清灰喷吹系统的压缩空气“开关”。受脉冲喷吹控制仪输出信号的控制,对滤袋逐排 (室)喷吹清灰,使除尘器的阻力保持在设定的范围之内,以保证除尘器的处理能力和收尘效率。 DMF-Y型电磁脉冲阀为淹没式阀 (亦称嵌入式阀),它直接安装在分气箱上,具有更好的流通特性。压力损失有所下降,适合于气源压力