美国历史 (英语演讲ppt)
History of the United States
From 1607 to civil war
Chapter IColonization of North America
1. The Indians 2. The early exploration 3.The Founding of the thirteen colonies
The IndiansBefore Christopher Columbus discover the new world .There lived a group of people which Columbus mistook for the people of India . Those people ,who had crossed from Asia some 2000 years earlier left a beautiful virgin landscape largely untouched.
The early exploration After Columbus discover the New World in 1492 the European powers sent many explorers to the new continents and they began to compete against each other in occupying the New World .As a result of the early exploration ,it laid the foundation for the creation of nation in North and South America .The explorers also exclaimed large areas of land for their kings.
The Founding of the thirteen colonies a. Jamestown b. Massachusetts c. The Founding of the thirteen colonies
Jamestown The first of British colonies to hold in North America was Jamestown(詹姆 士顿) .A group of about 100 men set out for the Chesapeake Bay(切萨皮克 湾)in1607 .They set up the first colonization site Jamestown .This site was developed into one of the 13 colonies –Virginia(弗吉尼亚).
Massachusetts In 1620 ,in order to escape from religious persecution at home a group of puritans(清教徒) –now known as pilgrim Father(移民始祖) secured a land patent from Virginia Company ,these people set out for Virginia on board the Mayflower(五月 花号) ,A storm sent them for north and landed in New England on Cape Cod(科德角) .
The Mayflower
Thanksgiving Day The Pilgrim Father suffered terrible hardships at first ,and half of them died in the first winter .But those who survived the first year managed to live on fish and ,with the help of friendly Indians ,reap a harvest from the land in the summer .The settlers fixed a date to celebrate their harvest .
First Thanksgiving-Day to celebrate the harvest, expressing their thanks to God.
The Founding of the thirteen colonies
It took more than a century for the British to establish the 13 colonies along the Atlantic coast. The 13 were divided ,according to their geographical locations from South to North ,three sections : the southern colonies ,the middle colonies and New England.
southern colonies: Virginia, Maryland, North and South Carolina, and Georgia. Middle Colonies: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. New England: Massachusetts ,New Hampshire ,Connecticut and Rhode Island.
在殖民时期,南北两种截然不同的社会制 度已经产生,北部建立起小土地所有制, 同时发展起了资本主义经济,南部则建立 起种植园奴隶制,而中部则介于两者之间。 两种不同制度的产生为19世纪中叶美国内 战的爆发埋下了种子。
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