裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第50课(2)


shameful conduct 可恥的行為

(2)v. [k n'd kt] 引導, 指揮, 管理

eg:He conducted me around the museum . 他帶領我到博物館內四處參觀。

eg:The young man conducted the tour . 這位年輕人擔任該隊的導遊。

★ view n. 景色 、視力; 視野[U]

同義詞see, sight, behold, observe 變化形 名複views

變化形 動變viewed viewed viewing

(1) n. 景色

fine natural scenery 優美的自然風光

eg:This room has a fine view of the mountains .


eg:The view from the top of hill is wonderful .



landscape(陸地的)風景、景色 (scenery of an area of land)

scene(c) 景色、景象、景緻 (view as seen by a spectator)

scenery(u) 景色、風景、風光

(general natural features of an area , eg. Mountains , valleys , rivers , forests , etc.)

(2)n. 視界、視野 come into view 看得見

eg:The plane soon went out of view . 這架飛機很快就從視野消失了。

(3) n. 看法、想法、意見

eg:What’s your view on the subject ?關於這個主題你有何看法是什麼?

in my view = in my opinion 照我看來/ 觀點

eg:In my view , the foreign policy of the government is wrong .


take a gloomy view of life 人生を悲観する

viewpoint = point of view 觀點、立場、意見

eg:I’d like to give you some advice from a doctor’s viewpoint .



belong to屬於 , consist of由…組成 ,

contain vt.包含,容納;控制,抑制

desire vt.渴望;要求,請求 n.願望,欲望 ,

detest vt.憎惡 , like , dislike ,hate , hope , love ,

matter vi. 有關系, 要緊 ,mean打算, mind介意 , need , want ,

wish vt.希望;祝願, believe , doubt , see , hear , know , understand , think , consider認為 , feel

看上去, show顯示 ,

have 有 , sound 聽起來 ,taste 嚐起來 ,

require要求 , possess 擁有 , care 關心 ,

eg:This box contains 48 matches . 這個包廂包含48場比賽

, look看起來, seem


