step by step 3000第一册Unit1-12 答案及原文(2)
kids go to a kindergarten the year before that. Then they go on to junior high school, that’s about eleven, and that’s the seventh, eighth and ninth grades. And then they go on to senior high school around age fourteen starting in the tenth grade and finishing in the twelfth grade usually. Some students will leave school at sixteen and they’ll start work, but most of them stay on to graduate from high school at age eighteen. In the first year at high school or college students are called ―freshmen‖, in the second they’re called ―sophomores‖, in the third year we call them ―juniors‖ and in the fourth year they’re called ―seniors‖. Now a lot of high school graduates then go to college or university and they do a four-year first degree course. Some of them might go to junior college which is a two-year course.
Well, in Australia, well most states anyway, children start their primary education at five after perhaps a brief time in kindergarten. They will stay at primary school until they’re about eleven, then they’ll either stay there or go to an intermediate school for a couple of years. Then they start high school usually twelve or thirteen, which you start in the third form. Now, after three years at high school you sit a general exam, some states call it School Certificate and that is a sort of general qualification and that if a sort of general qualification. After that you can leave school at sixteen or you can go on and sit your University Entrance Examination, which then gives you entrée into a university or it’s another useful qualification, and from then on you go to various sorts of higher education.
Education in Canada is a provincial responsibility, but schools are administered by local school boards.
Kindergarten is for children who are four or five years old. Children begin formal full-day schooling in Grade 1, when they are about six years old. They must stay in school at least until they are sixteen. However, most students continue to finish high school. Some go to college or university. Each year of schooling represents one grade. (The school year extends from the beginning of September to the end of June.) Elementary school includes kindergarten to about Grade 8. Secondary school (or high school) may start in Grade 8, 9, or 10 and it usually continues until Grade 12.
In Canada, students may go to university or to a community college. If they want to learn skills for specific job, they attend college for one or four years to get a diploma or certificate. For example, lab technicians, child-care workers, and hotel managers go to college. Universities offer degree programs as well as training professions, such as law, medicine, and teaching.
Universities offer three main levels of degrees. Students earn a bachelor’s degree after three or four years of study. A master’s degree can take another year or two. A doctorate may take a further three to seven years to complete.
B1 Idioms / vocabulary / French / spelling / pronunciation
B2 1. F 2. T 3. F
I – Interviewer P – Professor
I: And now we have an interview with Professor J. T. Lingo, Professor of Linguistics at Chimo University, who is here to talk to us about the growing business of teaching English. Good morning, professor Lingo.
P: Good morning.
I: I understand that teaching English is becoming ―big business‖ all around the world.
P: It seems that language schools are springing up everywhere.
I: Why is that?
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