step by step 3000第一册Unit1-12 答案及原文(19)
Unit 12
Item one
Different people have different ways of learning. We call this your ―learning style‖, and it’s based on your senses. To learn, you need to use your different senses – hearing, seeing, touching, etc., to bring information to your brain. Now, most people use one of their senses more than the others.
Some people learn best by listening. They are called hearing learners. And others learn best by reading or looking at pictures. They are called visual learners. And some learn best by touching and doing things. They are called tactile learners. Now scientists don’t know why people use one sense more than the others. Maybe the sense they use most just works best for them.
Item two
Today, we tell about one of the most famous national parks in the United States. It is one of the most beautiful places in the country. Yosemite National Park is a place of extremes. It has high mountains. It has valleys formed by ancient ice that cut deep into the earth millions of years ago. Water from high in the mountains falls in many places to the green valley far below. There are thirteen beautiful waterfalls in Yosemite Valley. One of these waterfalls, Yosemite Falls, is the fifth highest on Earth. Yosemite has a beautiful slow-moving river and large grassy areas where you can see wild animals.
Item three
America’s national road system makes it possible to drive coast to coast. From the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west is a distance of more than 4,000 kilometers. Or you could drive more than two thousand kilometers and go from the Canadian border south to the Mexican border. The highway system has made it possible for people to work in a city and live outside it. And it has made it possible for people to travel easily and quickly from one part of the country to another.
Item four
The way you look at someone conveys important cultural messages. Without your even knowing it, your gaze speaks volumes. ―The eyes are the window of the soul,‖ according to the old sayings. Staring is acceptable in some cultures but not in others. A wink can mean a compliment or an insult, depending on the cultures. A direct gaze can be a sign of honesty or an indication of disrespect and rudeness, according to the culture that surrounds the gazer. The way a person gazes thus expresses a strong message-but this message can be easily misunderstood if cultural norms are not shared.
Item five
This time of the year Americans spend lots of time shopping for holiday gifts for their family members and friends. Many people visit a lot of stores in large shopping centers to buy their gifts. Others order goods by telephone from catalogues, the magazines that offer company’s products. And many are doing their holiday shopping on the Internet. Industry experts say American business should have about 184,000 million dollars in sales during November and December. 63% of people who use the Internet say they expect to buy at least some gifts there.
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