Efficient generation of mode-locked
Efficient generation of mode-locked
pulses in Nd:YVO4with a pulse duration
adjustable between34ps and1ns
Markus L¨uhrmann,Christian Theobald,Richard Wallenstein and
Johannes A.L’huillier
University of Kaiserslautern,Physics department,Erwin-Schroedinger-Str.46,67663
Abstract:We report on the generation of highly stable active continuous
mode-locked pulses in diode pumped Nd:YVO4with an adjustable pulse
duration between34ps and1ns.With this laser an average output power of
up to7.3W with an excellent stability and beam quality with a M2-value
of<1.1is obtained.For all pulse durations the pulses were within a factor
of1.15above the Fourier limit.Due to these characteristics the presented
system is an attractive oscillator for OPCPA concepts.
©2009Optical Society of America
OCIS codes:(140.3480)Lasers,diode-pumped;(140.3530)Lasers,neodymium;(140.3580)
Lasers,solid-state;(140.4050)Mode-locked lasers.
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Today the generation of mode-locked pulses with pulse durations of a few10picoseconds down to a few femtoseconds is well developed[1,2]and wide …… 此处隐藏:25417字,全部文档内容请下载后查看。喜欢就下载吧 ……