56. Korean cinema.
LOCATION = Reference.
PN1993.5.K6 K67 2008.
57. Laban : prospectus.
LOCATION = Reference.
GV1589.4 .T75 2007-08 & 2008-09.
58. Little Vera / Frank Beardow.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1997.M256646 B43 2003.
59. Magnum photos / introduction by Fred Ritchin ; afterword by Julien Frydman.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
TR650 .M353 2008.
60. The Marlowe-Shakespeare connection : a new study of the authorship question / Samuel L. Blumenfeld. LOCATION = Main Stack.
PR2947.M3 B58 2008.
61. Master degree programmes prospectus / the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts = 碩士課程手册 / 香港演藝學院.
LG51.H22 M37 2009-10 c.1-2.
62. Measuring library performance : principles and techniques / Peter Brophy.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
Z678.85 .B76 2006.
63. Memories : celebrating 40 years in the theatre / Elaine Paige ; foreword by Andrew Lloyd Webber.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
ML420.P34 A3 2008.
64. Modern jazz voicings : arranging for small and medium ensembles / Ted Pease and Ken Pullig ; edited by Michael Gold.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
MT73.5 .P43 2001.
65. Nijinsky's Bloomsbury ballet : reconstruction of dance and design for Jeux / by Millicent Hodson.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
GV1790.J485 H63 2008.
66. The Oxford history of western music / Richard Taruskin.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
ML160 .T37 2005 v.1-6.
67. Performing pasts : reinventing the arts in modern South India / edited by Indira Viswanathan Peterson and Davesh Soneji.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN2885.S6 P47 2008.
68. Performing Shakespeare / Oliver Ford Davies.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PR3091 .D316 2007.
69. Playing on the edge : performance, youth culture, and the U. S. carnivalesque / by Adrienne Marie MacIain. LOCATION = Main Stack.
PS169.C37 M33 2006a.