28. Creativity & beyond : cultures, values, and change / Robert Paul Weiner.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
BF408 .W384 2000.
29. Dan Donovan : an Everyman's life / Vera Ryan.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN2601.D66 R93 2008.
30. Dance in a world of change : reflections on globalization and cultural difference / [edited by] Sherry B. Shapiro. LOCATION = Main Stack.
GV1588.6 .D384 2008.
31. Dancing the black question : the Phoenix Dance Company phenomenon / Christy Adair.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
GV1786.P464 A33 2007.
32. Defying the crowd : cultivating creativity in a culture of conformity / Robert J. Sternberg, Todd I. Lubart. LOCATION = Main Stack.
BF408 .S76 1995.
33. A delicate dance : autoethnography, curriculum, and the semblance of intimacy / Laura M. Jewett.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
GV1588.5 .J46 2008.
34. Les diaboliques (Henri-Georges Clouzot, 1955) / Susan Hayward.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1997.D4585 H39 2005.
35. Drama and religion in English provincial society, 1485-1660 / Paul Whitfield White.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN2589 .W53 2008.
36. Everything is cinema : the working life of Jean-Luc Godard / Richard Brody.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1998.3.G63 B76 2008.
37. Eye of the century : film, experience, modernity / Francesco Casetti ; translated by Erin Larkin with Jennifer Pranolo.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1993.5.A1 C37413 2008.
38. Final Cut Pro : 影片剪輯入門講座 / 顏子瑋著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
TR899 .Y3619 2007.
39. For the future : Sir Edward Youde and educational changes in Hong Kong / Wong Man Kong.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
LA2383.Y92 W66 2007.
40. Four revenge tragedies / edited with an introduction by Katharine Eisaman Maus.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PR1257 .F68 2008.
41. Fragments : Aegeus-Meleager / Euripides ; edited and translated by Christopher Collard and Martin Cropp. LOCATION = Main Stack.
PA3973 .Z5 2008.