1. 100種電影拍攝手法 : 給獨立製片與業餘玩家的專業拍片技巧 / 克利斯 肯渥西著 ; 陳珊珊譯. LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
TR860 .K46812 2007.
2. 2005-2006全国剧本征集活动作品选. 电影卷 / 上海市文艺创作中心编.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1997.A1 A165 2007 v.1-2.
3. 2008 AutoCAD中文版使用手冊 : 機械設計 / 林龍震老師工作室著.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
T385 .L56146 2007.
4. Adobe After Effects : 映像の達人 : CM文字徹底研究 / 陳素玉著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
TR858 .C4367 2007.
5. Aesthetics, method, and epistemology / Michel Foucault ; edited by James D. Faubion ; translated by Robert Hurley and others.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
B2430.F722 E5 1998.
6. Ajanta : history and development / by Walter M. Spink.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
NA6008.A35 S75 2005 v.4.
7. Alexander Medvedkin / Emma Widdis.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1998.3.M433 W53 2005.
8. All my sons / Arthur Miller ; with an introduction by E. R. Wood.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PS3525.I515 A62 1971.
9. Amélie ; Le Fabuleux destin d' Amélie Poulain (Jean-Pierre Jeunet, 2001) / Isabelle Vanderschelden.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1997.F23 V36 2007.
10. American muse : the life and times of William Schuman / Joseph W. Polisi.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
ML410.S386 P65 2008.
11. Arts and cultural programming : a leisure perspective / Gaylene Carpenter, Doug Blandy, editors.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
NX760 .A75 2008.
12. The Asian modern : culture, capitalist development, Singapore / C.J.W.-L. Wee.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
DS610.7 .W435 2007.
13. Awakening the performing body / Jade Rosina McCutcheon.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN2061 .M16 2008.