face watchful and bold and discreet all at once, and her hair gummed and twisted about her face. But even the stuff she put on it couldn‘t change that brown-yellow colour. Her hair hadn‘t changed at all. She wouldn‘t always go to Hawkshaw‘s chair. Even when his chair was empty, she would sometimes take one of the others, talking to the barbers, filling the whole shop with noise and perfume and her legs sticking out from under the cloth. Hawkshaw wouldn‘t look at her then. After reading the story, please do the following:
A. Answer the following questions:
a. How many characters are involved in the story? Please name them.
b. Who is the narrator of the story? Who told him all this about Susan?
c. Describe the change of Susan step by step and your comment on her change.
d. Do you think of what happens to Hawkshaw and Susan?
B. Paraphrase the following sentences:
a. That was her first haircut. Hawkshaw gave it to her, and her sitting there under the
cloth like a little scared rabbit.
b. It was like he would kind of drift up to the window without watching himself do it,
and be looking out about the time for the school children to begin to pass.
c. But we try to make them conform to a system that says a woman can‘t be married
until she reaches a certain age. And nature don‘t pay any attention to systems, let
alone women paying any attention to them, or to anything. She just grew up too fast.
d. Even when he wasn‘t busy, he had a way of looking the same: intent and
down-looking like he was making out to be busy, hiding behind the making-out.