

I: 说说你在大学时都主修了什么课程?

A: 大学期间我修了50多门课程,包括微观经济学、宏观经济学、市场原理、销售管理、统计学等。

I: 你大学时成绩如何?

A: 我成绩非常好,我是班里最优秀的学生之一。

I: 你辅修过什么专业吗?

A: 我在大学期间没有辅修过,但参加过英语和计算机培训课程。目前我正在一个培训学校学习财政学。

Dialogue 3

I: Have you received any degrees?

A: Yes. In 1996 I received my Bachelor of Science degree from Hebei University, and in 2001 I received my MBA degree from Peking University.

I: How about your academic records at college?

A: In fact my records were excellent. My overall GPA was 9 on a 10 scale, which was the highest in my class.

I: That抯 very impressive. Which course did you like best?

A: English. It was both interesting and useful, so I showed a great interest in it.

I: Can you tell me why you changed your major when you were a graduate student?

A: Because I am very interested in administration and I did take some courses in it. I also performed well in the subjects. Hence I believe that I can do a good job in this position. I: Did you get any honors and awards at college?

A: Yes. I was awarded a scholarship from the university every year. In 1995 I participated in the National Contest of Maths Models and I won the prize.

I: 你有获得学位吗?

A: 有,1996年我在河北大学获得了理学学士学位,2001年在北京大学获得了工商管理硕士学位。

I: 你大学时学习成绩如何?

A: 事实上我每门课都非常优秀,我的总平均成绩按10分制是9分,是班里最高的。 I: 那可真不错哦。你最喜欢哪门课程?

A: 英语。因为这门课既有趣又实用,我对它很感兴趣。

I: 那你能告诉我你读研究生时为什么要换专业吗?

A: 因为我对管理非常感兴趣,而且我也学过这方面的课程,而且成绩非常好。因此,我相信我能做好这个职位。

I: 你大学时获得过荣誉和奖励吗?

A: 获得过。每年我都获得学校奖学金,在1995年我参加了国家数学建模考试,并得了奖。



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