定稿 ASTM A 269-08一般用途的无缝和焊接不锈钢管规(4)


12.1 Variations in outside diameter, wall thickness, and length, from those specified, shall not exceed the amounts prescribed in Table 3.

TABLE 3 Permissible Variations in Dimensions

12.1 具体规定这些外径、壁厚、长度偏差,不得超过表3规定。


A: When tubes as ordered require wall thicknesses 3 4 in. (19.0 mm) or over, or an inside diameter 60 % or less of the outside diameter, a wider variation in wall thickness is required. On such sizes a variation in wall thickness of 12.5 % over or under will be permitted.

For tubes less than 1 2 in. (12.7 mm) in inside diameter which cannot be successfully drawn over a mandrel, the wall thickness may vary ±15 % from that specified.

A:当管规定壁厚为3 / 4英寸(19mm)以上或内径60 %或更少的外径,所要求的壁厚公差范围大。这种壁厚的变化在12.5 %以上或以下都是可以允许的。

当钢管的内径小于1 / 2英寸( 12.7mm)不能将芯棒拔出,其壁厚可在规定的基础上浮动±15 %。

B: These tolerances apply to cut lengths up to and including 24 ft (7.3 m). For lengths greater than 24 ft (7.3 m), the above over tolerances shall be increased by 1 8 in. (3 mm) for each 10 ft (3 m) or fraction thereof over 24 ft, or 1 2 in. (13 mm), whichever is lesser.

B:切断长度的公差对于长度大于24英尺( 7.3m),包括24英尺( 7.3m),以上的公差应按每10英尺( 3m)增加1/ 8英寸( 3m)或1 / 2英寸(13mm) ,反之减小。

C: Ovality provisions of 12.2 apply. C: 椭圆度规定按12.2条款。

12.2 The permissible variations in outside diameter given in Table 3 are not sufficient to provide for ovality in thin-walled tubes, as defined in the Table. In such tubes, the maximum and minimum diameters at any cross section shall deviate from the nominal diameter by no more than twice the permissible variation in outside diameter given in Table 3; however, the mean diameter at that cross section must still be within the given permissible variation.

12.2 表3所给的外径允许偏差不足以提供薄壁管的椭圆度。这些钢管在任何截面的最大和最小直径应偏离标称直径不超过表3中外径允许偏差的两倍;但是,平均直径在截面必须在给定的允许偏差范围。

13. Surface Condition 表面状态

13.1 The tubes shall be pickled free of scale. When bright annealing

is used, pickling is not necessary.

13.1 管子应按规定酸洗。当使用光亮退火时不需要酸洗。 SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS 补充要求

14. Product Marking 产品标识 The following supplementary requirements shall apply only when

specified by the purchaser in the inquiry, contract, or order. 14.1 In addition to the marking prescribed in Specification A 1016/A

1016M, the marking shall include whether the tubing is seamless or 下面补充规定仅在采购方询问、合同或订单上有要求的情况适welded and the final heat-treatment temperature in degrees 用。 Fahrenheit after the suffix “HT” if the final heat treatment S1. Stress-Relieved Annealed Tubes 消除钢管应力退火 temperature is under 1900°F (1040°C). S1.1 For use in certain corrosives, particularly chlorides where 14.1 除A1016 /A1016M详细表明标记规定外,标识应包括是无stress corrosion may occur, tubes in Grades TP304L,TP316L, TP321, 缝管材或焊接管,如果最终的热处理温度为1900°F( 1040℃)TP347, and TP348 may be specified in the stress-relieved-annealed 最终热处理温度用华氏温度标记后缀“HT”。 condition.

14.2 When the Nondestructive Electric Test is performed, each length of tubing shall be marked with the letters “NDE,”and the certification, when required, shall also indicate this test.

14.2 当无损电测(涡流)试验履行后,每根沿管材长度应标明 “NDE”和证书,必要时,也应演示此测试。

15. Keywords关键词

15.1 austenitic stainless steel; seamless steel tube; stainless steel tube; steel tube; welded steel tube.

15.1 奥氏体不锈钢;无缝钢管;不锈钢管;钢管;焊接钢管。

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