定稿 ASTM A 269-08一般用途的无缝和焊接不锈钢管规(2)
化处理或者再固溶退火处理(参见补充要求S3)。 4. General Requirements 一般要求 6.7 N08926 shall be heat-treated to a minimum temperature of 4.1 Material furnished under this specification shall conform to the 2010°F (1100°C) followed by quenching in water or rapidly cooling applicable requirements of the current edition of Specification A by other means. 1016/A 1016M, unless otherwise provided herein. 6.7 N08926应热处理到最低温度为2010°F(1100℃),其次是4.1提供的材料根据本规范应符合最新版本A1016/A1016M适用用水骤冷或其他方法急冷。 的要求,除非另有规定。 6.8 UNS N08367 should be solution annealed from 2025°F(1107°C)
minimum followed by rapid quenching.
5. Manufacture 制造 6.8 UNS N08367最低固溶退火温度为2025°F(1107 ℃),其5.1 The tubes shall be made by the seamless or welded process. 次是快速骤冷。 5.1 管材应由无缝或焊接工艺。 6.9 Solution annealing of S35045 shall consist of heating the 5.2 At the manufacturer’s option, tubing may be furnished either hot material to a temperature of 2000°F (1093°C) minimum for an finished or cold finished. appropriate time, followed by cooling in still air or at a faster rate. 制造商可以选择管材采用热加工或冷加工而成。 6.9 S35045的固溶退火应包括的材料加热最低温度为2000 °F (1093 ℃)适当的时间,其次是在静止空气中冷却或以更快的速6. Heat Treatment 热处理 度。 6.1 All material shall be furnished in the heat-treated condition. 6.10 S31727 and S32053 shall be solution annealed in the range Except as provided in 6.2, the heat-treatment procedure shall, except 1975 to 2155 °F(1080 to 1180 °C) followed by quenching in water for S31254 and S32654 (see 6.3), S34565 (see 6.4), N08367 (see or rapidly cooling by other means. 6.8), N08904 (see 6.5) and N08926 (see 6.7), consist of heating the 6.10 S31727和S32053固溶退火的范围1975~2155°F(1080~material to a minimum temperature of 1900°F (1040°C) and 1180°C),其次是用水骤冷或其他方法急冷。 quenching in water or rapidly cooling by other means. Alternatively, for seamless tubes, immediately following hot forming while the
7. Chemical Composition 化学成分
temperature of the tubes is not less than the specified minimum
7.1 The steel shall conform to the requirements as to chemical
solution treatment temperature,tubes may be individually quenched
composition as prescribed in Table 1.
in water or rapidly cooled by other means.
7.1 钢应符合表1中规定的化学成分要求。
6.1 所有材料须进行热处理。除第6.2条外,热处理除UNS编号:
S31254和S32654(见6.3),S34565 (见6.4),N08367(见
8. Product Analysis 产品分析
6.8),N08904(见6.5)和N08926(见6.7),包括材质的加热8.1 An analysis of either one billet or one length of flat-rolled stock 最低温度为1900°F(1040°C)用水淬急冷或通过其他方法迅速or one tube shall be made from each heat. The chemical composition 冷却。此外,无缝管材的热处理温度不低于规定的最低固溶处理thus determined shall conform to the requirements specified. 温度,钢管可逐支水急冷或通过其他方法迅速冷却。 8.1 从每炉一支管坯或一根管子上截取试样分析,以确定化学成6.2 Controlled structural or special service characteristics shall be 分符合规定的要求。 specified as a guide for the most suitable heat treatment. If the final 8.2 A product analysis tolerance of Table number A1.1 in heat treatment is at a temperature under 1900°F and is so specified Specification A 480/A 480M shall apply. The product analysis on the order, each tube shall be stenciled with the final heat tolerance is not applicable to the carbon content for material with a treatment temperature in degrees Fahrenheit after the suffix “HT”. specified maximum carbon of .04 % or less. 6.2 结构或特殊用途的热处理控制应提供最合适的热处理制度。8.2 产品分析的偏差引用规范A480 /A480M中表A1.1。该产品如果指定温度和最终的热处理温度低于1900°F,在每支管的模板分析的偏差不适用于材料的碳含量≤0.04 %。 标上最终热处理华氏温度后缀加“HT” 。 8.3 If the original test for product analysis fails, retests of two 6.3 S31254 and S32654 shall be heat-treated to a minimum additional billets, lengths of flat-rolled stock, or tubes shall be made. temperature of 2100°F (1150°C) followed by quenching in water or Both retests for the elements in question shall meet the requirements rapidly cooling by other means. of the specification; otherwise all remaining material in the heat or 6.3 S31254和S32654热处理的最低温度2100 °F(1150°C),lot shall be rejected or, at the option of the producer, each billet,
length of flat-rolled stock, or tube may be individually tested for 其次是用水骤冷或其他方法急冷。
acceptance. Billets, lengths of flat-rolled stock, or tubes which do not 6.4 S34565 shall be heat-treated in the range 2050°F (1120°C) to
meet the requirements of the specification shall be rejected. 2140°F (1170°C) followed by quenching in water or rapidly cooling
8.3 如果原先的产品分析测试不合格,复验应增加两个管坯或管by other means.
子取样测试。元素复验应符合规范的要求,否则所有剩余的材料6.4 S24565应热处理范围内2050°F(1120 ℃),以2140 °F
6.5 N08904 shall be heat treated t …… 此处隐藏:3651字,全部文档内容请下载后查看。喜欢就下载吧 ……