第五张新建 Microsoft PowerPoint 演示文稿


Unit 1 What’s the matter? Section B 3a-3第五课时万 峰

3a. Imagine you are the school nurse and a student just had an accident or health problem. Make notes about what he / she should and shouldn't do. 3b. Write a conversation between the nurse and the student using the notes in 3a. Use the questions and phrases below to help you. What's the matter?/ What happened? /Are you OK? No, I don't feel well. /I feel .../ I have a .../Should I ...? You should .../ You shouldn't ... fell down / got hit by.../ cut myself / hurt my...

2.Put these questions and answers in order ot make a conversation.

_____ I hurt myself playing soccer. I have a sore leg. _____ What should I do? _____ I think you should see a doctor and get an X-ray. _____ OK, thanks. I'll do that now. _____ What's the matter? _____ Oh, that doesn't sound good.

3. Write advice for these people.

1. Problem: Alan cut himself. Advice:________________________________ 2. Problem: Cindy has a headache.


3. Problem: My cousins have had colds. Advice:________________________________ 4. Problem: Jack hurt his back playing volleyball. Advice:________________________________

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