


best answer from the four choices given by writing the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

10. [A]. They contracted the disease by contacting with the infected people.

[B] . They contracted the disease by breathing the contaminated dust.

[C]. They contracted the disease by drinking the contaminated water.

[D]. They contracted the disease by cating the contaminated food.

11. [A]. The virus destroys people’s nerve cells.

[B]. The disease can not be treated with drugs.

[C]. The patients didn’t go to see the doctor in time.

[D]. The doctor didn’t treat the patients in time.

12. [A]. More people are gathering to celebrate holidays.

[B]. More and more people have moved to the South of Argentina.

[C]. Weather changes.

[D]. Environmental changes.

13. [A]. Working in restaurants.

[B]. Working in glass factories.

[C]. Working as servants in people’s houses.

[D]. Working in agriculture.

14. [A]. They are very poor.

[B]. They can get money from their children.

[C]. They need their children’s help.

[D]. They cannot find jobs themselves.

15. [A]. To provide more job opportunities in developing countries.

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