IST8310 datasheet(19)
IST 8310 datasheet 完整版
IST8310 Datasheet, Version 1.2
6.4.11 Pulse Duration Control Register
This register controls the pulse duration for set/reset function of AMR sensors.
IST 8310 datasheet 完整版
IST8310 Datasheet, Version 1.2
7 Ordering Information
For more information on iSentek’s Magnetic Sensors, please contact us by phone at +86-132-6706-8686 (China), +86-755-3337-0168 (China) or +886-2-2698-3306 ext:110 (Taiwan); via e-mail: sales@ or visit us online at .
The application circuits herein constitute typical usage and interface of iSentek’s product. iSentek does not warranty or assume liability of customer-designed circuits derived from this description or depiction.
iSentek reserves the right to make changes to improve reliability, function or design. iSentek does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others.
US Patent 9,297,863, Taiwanese Patents I437249, I420128 and I463160 apply to our magnetic sensor technology described.