IST8310 datasheet(15)
IST 8310 datasheet 完整版
IST8310 Datasheet, Version 1.2
15 ACK: Acknowledge, NA: Not Acknowledge, SA: START Condition, SP: Repeat Start Condition, ST: STOP Condition ■: Slave to Master
Figure 5. I C Multiple Byte Read Operation
ACK: Acknowledge, NA: Not Acknowledge, SA: START Condition, SP: Repeat Start Condition, ST: STOP Condition ■: Slave to Master
6.3 I 2C Write Operation
Figure 6. I C Single Byte Write Operation
ACK: Acknowledge, NA: Not Acknowledge, SA: START Condition, SP: Repeat Start Condition, ST: STOP Condition ■: Slave to Master
Figure 7. I C Multiple Byte Write Operation
ACK: Acknowledge, NA: Not Acknowledge, SA: START Condition, SP: Repeat Start Condition, ST: STOP Condition ■: Slave to Master
6.4 Registers
6.4.1 Customer Defined Registers