

letters to their family members.

3. 我们不应该经常想自己为别人做了什么,而应当记得别人为我们做了什么。(but instead, keep in mind)

Answer: We shouldn’t often think what we have done for others, but instead we should keep in mind what the others have done for us.

4. 他急匆匆地要去机场,我还没来得及把那本英汉词典给他。(such ... that)

Answer: He was in such a hurry to go to the airport that I did not have time to give him the English- Chinese dictionary.

5. 最重要的是她必须把自己的想法转化为行动。(translate)

Answer: The most important is that she should translate her ideas into actions.

1. 这次贸易谈判非常成功, 这对双方都有着特别大的好处。(be beneficial to)

Answer: The trade negotiation is a big success, which can be uniquely benefi cial to both parties.

2. 我们班的同学都以某种方式参加过学生会组织的活动。(involve, one way or another) Answer: Our classmates have been involved, one way or another, in the activities organized by the Student Union.

3. 对一个没有受过高等教育的人来说,这是他能得到的最理想的工作之一。(available) Answer: It’s one of the most desirable jobs available to a man without higher education.

4. 从事科研工作能激发大学生的独立思考和有效学习的能力。(spur)

Answer: Doing research can spur undergraduate students’ independent thinking and effective learning.

5. 学费每年都在上涨,这已成为贫困家庭学生很重的负担。(constitute,


Answer: The cost of tuition continues to climb each year, which has constituted a heavy burden upon students from poverty-stricken areas.

1. 新时代要求劳动者要有创造性,而不是一味忠诚于雇主。(rather than)

Answer: The new era calls for creativity among the work force, rather than just loyalty to the employer.

2. 这家海运公司于1952年白手起家,经过蓬勃发展,已经成了船运业的重点企业。(bloom ... into)

Answer: The shipping company, starting with nothing in 1952, has bloomed into a leading enterprise in the shipping industry.

3. 海尔成功的关键之一在于 (lie in) 它有一套为全球所羡慕和仿效的管理体系。(emulate)

Answer: Haier’s success lies in its management system that has been envied and emulated worldwide.

4. 这家合资企业制定了今年的目标,要将销售额提高50%。(establish)

Answer: The joint venture has set a goal of increasing this year’s total sales by 50%.

5. 我曾多次尝试戒烟,但要彻底戒掉却很难。(for good)

Answer: I’ve tried to stop smoking several times, but it’s really diffi cult for me to quit smoking for good.

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